The amount of goldsellers upset GDKP is gone is wild

Looking at the forums it’s insane how many people are defending GDKP as a way that will absolutely totally revitalize SoD, despite it being well known that GDKPs are what lead to large amounts of gold selling and buying.

To be honest it’s actually really nice to not see gold buyers spam nearly as often and for LFG chat not to be spammed with these damn things. (though summon bots are still annoying). I’m genuinely wondering though for the people who go on the forums to try and get GDKPs reinstated: are you really not worried about your account being investigated for being tied to gold buying or selling?


You’re absolutely 100% correct.

All the goldsellers are super upset that now in SOD not a single person is buying gold anymore and every single bot has been banned.

They are literally fuming over how not a single player since GDKP is banned has bought gold.

They are super upset now every single bot is gone and they have to play the game.

All thanks to the GDKP ban.


and I still can’t get a summons to Everlook.

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There doesn’t need to be another thread on this.

Hundreds of bots advertising and spamming summons.

Not a single damn one to any place you ACTUALLY need.

its crazy lmao, like that one elron or whatever who keeps bumping posts and talking to himself via his other toons supporting the gdkp position xDDDD

its not coming back, and thank god its not.


A loot system will save SoD!!! :nerd_face: :clown_face:


you almost accidently arrived at some logic and missed it anyway, no, i’m not worried about my account being investigated for buying or selling gold

do you often worry about being investigated for something you haven’t done?

In this thread you’re making the same tired, baseless claim that “anyone that disagrees with me is a criminal”

/yawn I’m just gonna drop this here and not respond any further to this low intelligence drivel.


Saying you’re not worried about being investigated for RWT whenever you’re part of the GDKP community is gutsy, I will give you that. I definitely do not believe people like Bergelmir though who run GDKPs and has an entire guild around it are at least 60-70% RWT though, just from my experience with dealing with GDKPs.

But to answer your question, yes I am terrified of it because I’ve seen entire guilds go down because one member RWT’d so that gave Blizzard reason to believe all of them had at some point. This wasn’t even a one-off issue but something that’s happened on multiple occasions. I’d super against drawing attention to myself if I was part of a group that was known for being super keen on breaking the rules.


They’ve stated that they wouldn’t ban GDKP in Cata because of the GDKP community, so this doesn’t make sense. The only way for this to make sense is if the massive majority of GDKPs are actually legit, and they’re only banning the groups that cheat.

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I’m 100% sure we are not playing the same Sod…

we’re not playing the same sod, thats for sure.

i have never done a gdkp on sod, so i’m not part of whatever sod community there is

i have never ever heard of blizzard believing that an entire guild of people are gold selllers or buyers because one of them is, that’d be rather insane

That is not true at ALL, Blizzard has never once banned a whole guild because of 1 person gold buying. That has never happened, nor will it ever happen.

EVEN if that were the case, wouldnt you want GDKP’s to happen since by your logic its filled with RMT, and they’ll all get a ban because of 1 person in the raid?

they didnt ban GDKP in cata because the token exists and they get a cut from the gold buyers lol


if that’s the case why not just keep gdkp on sod and bring the token?

You might not understand this, but people play classic versions because they’re still MMORPGs and not the pay2win crybaby games you’re used to.

people would have quit

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well considering it was added in wrath and your probably not looking at those logs. id say you have no idea about the dip.

just reading the reactions though seems like people wernt really fans…

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what do you mean? i played wrath when it got implemented, i looked at the logs

absolutely no trending change, infact as soon as togc got implemented a week or two later, more people played than had played in months

yeah…about that