Casually leveling an alt on Grobb and keep running into bots stuck running or swimming in circles. Either under a dock or just running in place. Keep seeing them, figured I’d start recording.
There’s another one under the ratchet boat docks, I mind controlled it off the boat and watched it swim back to the dock. It’s been over an hour and its still swimming in circles under the dock.
At this point, I wonder what the ratio of bots to real players is on this game. Are we all being duped?
Here’s the first bot I mind controlled almost 2 hours ago, still going in the same circles.
NB4 the usual sub-40 Troll Hunters and their “BuT h0W d0 y0U Kn0W thEY’rE bOts HuH i HaVe NevER SeeN a BoT n WoW sO H0w D0 YoU Kn0W tHeY’Re BoTs?” shtick
You dont have to mc a bot 2hours to tell us its a bot. I am sure people spot a bot in 1-5seconds of looking at them or inspecting. And yes the game has had bots since 2019 but no one seems to care.
What’s sad is that Blizzard will quietly delete a thread like this and move on without touching the bots which will still be running. They couldn’t have worse priorities.
I haven’t been playing Classic Era, but the amount of people complaining about bots on the forums makes it sound like there are a lot of people playing it who are buying gold!
RMT has plagued Classic. Botting as at it’s peak since OG WoD.
GDKP promotes that. Realistically, would anyone ever need 200k+ gold in their bags? First 4 weeks of every phase GKDP’s pot reaches over a million. Sure. not all buy gold. But most of that gold, that’s already being circulated around, has come from RMT.
Tons of people on Reddit & streamers admit it in the broad daylight.
Time to bring forth corss-realm LFG , where you can’t trade gold cross realm.
Additionally bring forth personal loot and officially ban GKDPs and all raid leads.
edit: And then same swipers join guilds and waste everyone’s time. That’s how you have 5.4+ geared players parsing grey and green. edit2: And if everyone stopped buying gold, bots wouldn’t have a reason to be in the game. So that’d allow more players to actually farm stuff legit edit3: And it would help balancing out market prices to it’s actual real value.
I think some are alt’ing it low levels. The rash of bot threads this weekend has me go some must be in CTA WSG.
SInce I am too, 20+ and 60+. its got bots at times. I…don’t mind them. its the damned twink s. priests, dk’s and a few others.
I get zapped by an s.priest twink and think one thing.
I may as well get a glass of water.
I am dead at 50% of their mind flay channel. That is not changing and walk away. I am thirsty…that I can fix! 30 to 45 seconds hydrating, not raging lol.
GDKP will likely never go away, neither will RMT. But they sure can fix the botting issue. They just prefer to accept the money the bots give them.
Bots are probably keeping this game alive. Most people raidlog or play their twinks on the off time. Nobody wants to farm herbs/ores/cloth/leather anymore. They just want instant gratification.
They want to 1 shot players and never lose, they want to buy their gear without competition beyond somebody else with a deeper wallet than them.
It’s a playerbase issue honestly… People are willing to throw away honor and achievement for instant gratification.
No one really buys gold for Auction House.
“Oh let me go swipe $50 so I can afford to buy 2 flasks”
But other guy will be like, “I really want this ring, so let me buy 13 million gold”
I don’t know why you’re trying to be intentionally dense. RMT is a problem. Do you not wish it have it fixed? There is really only 1 reason someone doesn’t want botting/RMT fixed in the game.
P.S. You reminded me of republicans who said having multiple doors/entrances in schools is a problem. LMAO
I in lower level runs have come to find an odd respect for twinks. THeir gear…ain’t cheap. It takes committment, financial as well, to get even some level 19 gear lol…
I’d not pay that. Hell I see the 50 gold items and go wth…no. Just no. 1000 gold+ for some 19, 29 gear? Impressive, yet scarey.
Obviously you’re here seeking some kind of validation. Probably attention seeking too.
You attempted to seek validation in the CS forums and failed. You’re not going to get any validation from here either.