The amount of bots is just pathetic

Ive always said to ban RMT and botters. Therea simply no reason to get rid of GDKP just for it unless youre gonna do that for the other drivers of it as well.

GDKP drives gold buying.
Eliminate the core. The core need for gold and problem solved.

But yes. all buyers need to get perma banned too.

Doesnt eliminate anything. Retail doesnt have GDKP and botting and gold buying are rampant. Youre wrong.

If you get rid of GDKP then guild carries will be more prominent. What next? Get rid of guilds? :rofl:

Retail has boosting RMT issues. And yes, BOEs early on go for an obnoxious amount of gold indeed. Same as they do on Classic really.

In all my years of Retail, I’ve actually never felt the presence of bots.

Wrath will continue having boosting paid RMT services. But at least less people will be joining pugs GDKPs with 50,000 purchased gold.

I’m still confused why you defending this.

Because GDKP is the best looting system for pugging. I will advocate for permabanning RMTers, botters, buyers, sellers all day long but if given the choice of GDKP being removed and all those still exist in the game or GDKP staying and you guys whining about it Im going to pick GDKP staying because I like the loot system and quite frankly I couldnt care less about your experience in the game.

Best? What’s best about it?
The one who has the thiccest wallet wins?

No, best loot system is LC, where deserving players get said deserved loot.

If you don’t care about mine, what makes you think others would care about yours?

LC dont work in pugs. Notice how i specifically called it the best looting system for pugs?

I never said you cared about my experience, I would expect you not to care about my experience. What im saying is if the choice is to lose GDKP or for people like you to quit over it, then im picking to lose people like you over it, every day of the week.

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Pugs don’t use LC lmfao…


Yeah, to support who has the thiccest wallet.

If yall think that GDPKs do not contribute to RMT, yall are fools.

It does contribute to it, you know what else does?

Auction House
Epic flying

Where were your suggestions to get rid of guilds when guilds were selling Mims head for 450k?

Everything is rmt, who even cares anymore.

Blizzard isn’t changing or doing anything.

You don’t like gdkps then you simply don’t do them, they have no affect on you whatsoever.

Here I present my always loved idea. Well its hated but it work.

Flat rate AH. Being nice, I will give 300% markup.

Gather mats for professions…300% of vendor price is the cap.

vendor says that stack of 20 is 50 silver. 1 gold 50 silver is the max you can charge on the AH.

An ideas fresh in my mind as I think I can level my grobb level 24 paladin’s smithing too. and see 30 gold copper stacks. hahahahahaha, no. Hell no, actually.

Now at 1.5 gold…I’d have one hell of a mail delivery coming in. Did I say 10 stacks. Nah…make it 15, in case some yellows don’t +1 the skill.

What would this fix? RMT professions kits. Places that sell gold, sell these too. For rates that have you go it be cheaper than even RMT’ing gold to use the game AH lol.

Some mats for profession kits farmers undercut the gold sellers even basically. Or at least offer convenience. 150 bars of copper…mailed right to you! and the other crap too.

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