The Amani are, infact, the good guys

They could have stayed on Kalimdor we will make sure that they go back to there by force like the colonizer scum they are. F all high elves.

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It’s a video game. You can replace anything from any part of history and find parallels. Don’t look into it too much

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You’re right, it’s just a video game, the devs aren’t thinking that deep when they write the story they write

The problem is they don’t think at all. And much of the stuff from 20 years ago is very probleamtic now.

Well in that case it is right and proper for the Void to kill everyone on the planet since they all did an illegal land grab after giant metal god aliens from space came and stole their planet.

Sargeras was right all along :rofl:

Honestly, while Blizzard is apparently trying to say the Old Gods weren’t all bad, it’s just very disgusting to compare a race of people who had their land stolen with explicit irl parallels put into the story to Lovecraftian evil-themed scary tentacle monsters who were launched into space to further their masters’ goal of conquering the universe, then having their control of the planet severer.

Lovecraftian was himself a mega racist, though.


There are some places where the comparison of elves to European colonizers starts falling apart though. The elves never had the support of larger polity across the sea to support them economically, which is a big feature of settler-colonization.

The elves are essentially displaced refugees, who were persecuted for their religious and cultural practices, trying to settle in a hostile and dangerous land for the sake of freedom. And at the time the troll Empire was a larger and much more serious threat.

It’s as if the oversimplified fantasy that colonizers in the real world tell themselves was actually true.


No they aren’t. They chose exile willingly after refusing to drop the magic that destroyed the world. No one forced them to flee.

“Give up your religious/cultural practices and conform to our cultural values, or leave.” Sounds like refugees being displaced due to their culture being suppressed to me.

Their so called culture detsroyed the world once and almost did so again when Archimonde was summoned in Dalaran. They are not orpressed its taking responsibility. The Amani were not obliged to gift them land for free just because they exist outside of Kalimdor.

“Your cultural practices are a threat to society/the world/the gods, therefore we are forcing you to abandon them or leave our territory” the fact that this is arguably* true within the fiction of the setting doesn’t change the fact that the Quel’dorei did become refugees if they wanted to continue thier cultural practices.

And at no point did I say the Amani were obligated to give them lands, just that the comparison to European colonization falls apart because of factors like that. And the fact that the Quel’dorei were refugees with diminishing options is something that makes the conflict one of the few actually grey ones in the setting. Which is why I’d love to see a solution that isn’t “trolls genocide the elves in revenge” or “elves and player characters continue to genocide trolls”.

Anyway, I thought you liked the elves.

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Then Go to diremaul instead of waging war over land that didn’t belong to them. Elf magical abuse is not the problems of trolls an entire ocean away

Yeah initially they were. The problem with real life and writing fiction based on real life. The stories are often muddled and we all want to play the good guys. The white knight the heroic race struggling against adversity and fighting against all odds!

In reality most real life stories are very dark and very grey. Genocides become the common narrative whether in game or in real life. Even now in the real world we justify it. We do so because of our biases as we justify it every time we kill the Amani or the trolls or gnolls or name your enemy of the day.

If we ever stopped and thought who is the bad guy? It would make you cringe. I just wish people didn’t take it to either extreme, but here we are…


Edgy blood elves who left behind their past of being friends with humans were they been eternal sidekicks of Stormwind. Not the new elves with no flavor which is why I am a troll fan now.

Until you change your mind in the next half hour or so that is

No one even knew Dire Maul was still inhabited as it was quick to fall into ruin. That place would of just collapsed faster and everyone would of died.

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Kael’thas is dead and Silvermoon becomes neutral in Midnight. Nothing left for me to play blood elf any longer.

I think the issue is that we legitimately have people who just expected the high elves to roll over, give up and let the trolls genocide them

It’s why we see opinions often favoring one group or the other when the whole situation doesn’t really have any right answers.

The blood elves are never going to give up their land and the trolls will never stop trying to wipe out the blood elves

It never was their land. Force them back to kalimdor where they came from.

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