The Amani are, infact, the good guys

You did make some responses, not mentioning me directly, but about me. Like I said, not linking exact posts is frowned upon. We can just look at the sources.

Only one I could find was me mentioning that political discussions is usually why the Mods nuke threads. Wasn’t directed at anyone in particular. Nor was I actually mad

It was just a general statement of fact on how the moderation here tends to be heavy handed and instead of just deleting particular posts, they nuke entire threads.

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What’s with people trying to make this to real life politics? It’s a game. Ease up a bit. None of this actually happened.


No it didn’t but it has real life parallels to settler colonialism and the oppression of indigenous peoples. You can easily replace Native American or name your “oppressed indigenous group” and replace it with Amani Troll and change Elf to real life example empire Britain/American/French/etc and get the exact same narrative and the only difference is one is trolls and elves and the other is humans vs humans with one group seeing the other group as savage, monstrous and not quite like themselves and as such needs to be exterminated for their lands, resources and what have you.


Absolutely unhinged, unbridled Scarlet frothing.

Again, the parallels are only there if you make them yourself. I think that’s a bad move because it reduces real life pain and suffering to a silly video game plot. “The trolls are Aboriginals. Therefore, the Aboriginals used arcane magic to summon a super duper ghost bear monster to breath fire at the magical elves.”

It also ignores that in real life, the conflict between “civilized” cities and settlements versus rural, tribal societies is universal and has been happening since Ancient Babylon. Ancient Rome, Early England, Romance of the Three Kingdoms, literally any time there’s been a civilization started, it’s fought with rural tribes outside of it.

I have a special phrase I bring out for this: “Orcs are not black people.” It summarizes how offensive and disrespectful this kind of thing can be, despite having the best intentions.


I agree, my ancestors are Tainos and they greeted Christopher Columbus and helped him. We ended up paying the price for it. Trolls are supposed to represent the oppressed peoples of the world and the greatness lost to them. You see this with Zandalar still holding the candle of what once was.

I think it’s important to see similar narratives and see that if we replace arcane with gunpowder and so on. You’ll see it’s a similar story especially since we’re living only 50+ years post the most overt forms of discrimination and in reality within our lifetimes. A lot of people on here refuse to believe that, and worse many don’t care. We like to pretend that it’s fiction, but fiction often best narrates true events in new ways.


“Tribal” does not mean “rural.” Lmao. The Amani have cities. Nevermind real world examples.


Most of troll civilization is long collapsed and they literally live in the ruins of what was. The Zandalari are the only ones who have avoided outright collapse. The Drakkari were the other one before the Lich King kind of brought that to a swift end.

That is the interesting bit of the settlement of what became known as Quel’thalas. It was troll land, but all that was there was ruins that had been abandoned for thousands of years. The elves had been through a lot by that point to find a suitible place to live. Why would they abandon a massive leyline nexus point and go back to wandering until the trolls finished killing them all off with night raids?


Do you have that as a Tramp Stamp?

That would be the appropriate way to display such a phrase.

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Because it wasn’t theirs to claim. Killing them all is the right Response to illegal land grab.

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No it’s not erevien. But you don’t understand that, so it’s not suprising you’d make such a hypocritical statement

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Yes it is. They settled on land that wasn’t theirs to claim. And when Quel’thalas is finally destroyed hundreds of troll generations will finally have justice.


You know what, I hope the elves keep it for the next 30,000 generations just so it aggravates you and others like you more than it already does.

(And we know the Blood Elves aren’t going anywhere anytime soon, since blizz isn’t going to delete a playable race, let alone one of their most popular ones to boot)

The Jews in Israel are actually refugees fleeing from genocide. The elves who settled on troll land were just angry they couldn’t use the magic anymore that almost ruined the world. Your bad faith arguments holds no substance.

Nothing I say to you of all people is remotely serious, so I don’t really care what you think. You got claiming to loving the blood elves to wanting them genocided over a fictional city in WoW.’

You can’t even stay consistent on what you like.


The Amani are the wronged party in this situation so I stick to the side who just want to have back what was stolen from them by humans and elves. How the flip you think humans became the dominate race?

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It’s a little more complicated than that. But sure, think what you will

No it isn’t. Thy settled on land that belonged to someone else and were rigthfully attacked for it. That is the basic argument. They are not the victims.

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The high elves were being attacked long before Silvermoon was even settled

It’s complicated as I mentioned.