The Amani are, infact, the good guys

I love how you say “Alliance always comes out on top” even though you know that is incorrect. As you just said, “when was the last time the horde won at least one of the four faction wars”.

Given that Blizzard does not consider Cata-MoP to be a major faction war worthy of the “first, second third etc war” title… To answer your question, The First War. Never use a for all statement Erevien. And you asked for “at least one”, therefore I can give ONLY one response and still be correct.

Can’t wait for the goalposts to be moved because that is all you ever do.

Hell the Third War was mainly about the scourge and the burning legion. More missions in the Human, Orc and Night Elf Campaigns are devoted to fighting them than each other.

Like for the prologue, you have 2 missions (second and third)
Human campaign, first two missions (although the orcs you fight here are not part of Thralls Horde, but the burning blade / blackrock clans, whom still think they serve the legion)
Proper orc campaign, Third (orc vs human), Fourth & Fifth (orc vs Night Elf) and Sixth (orc vs human) [human as in alliance, Blizzard called the faction human in WC3, take it up with them)
Night Elf Campaign: First and fourth mission. But the Fourth mission also has Legion forces via satyrs. It has everything.

The rest are either campaign race vs Scourge, Legion or independent (like say Centaur for orc mission 2)


alot of people on the internet would agree that Israel has no right to exist considering the high elves DID hunt trolls down like animals from time to time. You can’t claim to be a poor refugee when you activley kill the people that used to live on the land before your nation started to even exist.

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Thats a big swing and a miss. Post WWII was not an exile imposed by current government leadership due to previous bad behavior (Malfurion telling Sunstrider to quit doing the thing we banned or leave and wouldnt due to their own hubris) rather a culmination of, then, unpopular settler-colonial aspirations started as far back as the 19th century using the tragedy of the 30s and 40s to exploit real fears and concerns of every day folks and the international community to settle in a fully already occupied area, using a mix of racism, general xenophobia, and imperialism to forcefully displace the people who lived there and continue to do so to this day with goals of every wider expansion. Not to mention the horrific representation of “from the river to the sea.”

While you can maybe pull out a scant similarity or two, the two are not comparable or even in the same realms of intention.


And those people are wrong.


It’s a comparison that would make the elves more morally culpable than they are in canon, not less.


I have tried in vain to explain this to them numerous times.

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Quel’thalas being founded on ancient troll lands is one of the rare examples of actually morally gray storytelling in this setting. Both sides have relevant arguments. The elves hunted trolls down certainly. And the trolls killed, and ate any elf they caught. And then put their heads up as warnings. That is never going to engender good feelings, so the Elves go hunting. The vengeance cycle repeats.


Please don’t, we’re in the middle of an ethnic cleansing and genocide on the Palestinians. Similar to what was done to the Amani. The trolls have a right to fight for their lands and try to restore their kingdom, but like the Palestinians… It wont happen and they won’t forget or forgive what the elves/Israelis did to them. Regardless of our baises… it’s a good comparison, but oof.

youtube. com/watch?v=JX61E93uv-0

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Which has been debunked. Numerous times now. Israel is defending itself from the terrorist organization HAMAS.

Israel is not going out of its way to target innocent people or trying to wipe anyone out intentionally.


Wow Micah, this from the person who got mad at me for talking about politics earlier. You know how fast the other side would get mass reported talking the way you do?

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No that wasn’t. The Amani have a right to defend themselves and resist occupation of the elves. The elves had no right to invade and steal the lands of the native Amani. The Amani are struggling due to their leaders being killed just for fighting back. The Amani see their children made victims by magi fire and and elven arrows. The Amani feel betrayed by the Zandalari and their brothers who once fought alongside them in the Horde. The same Horde that now is okay with the Amani losing their lands and abandoning them. The Amani are not the aggressors for fighting against an occupation. They’re merely resisting and trying to retain their lands and dignity.

The Elves are intentionally killing the trolls and taking pleasure in torturing them. Study the facts before you defend what the Elves did. Even this elf knows that Silvermoon was founded on sacred lands which were stolen from the Amani. That what was done since the foundation of Quel’thelas to the Amani of Zul’Aman was wrong. We shouldn’t defend people who commit to torture, randomly bombing cities like they did at Theramore.

Just like the real world those who are committing genocide and land thefts annexing territories that aren’t theirs will never be punished. The Blood Elves and the Amani will forever be stuck in a cycle of suffering, but the Amani are not the ones who started it. The Elves should never invaded their lands or built their cities upon the most sacred sites. Two groups forever stuck in cycles of despair and revenge. The story of the Amani and the Elves.


When did I get mad at you for talking politics?

How were the blood elves supposed to know it was sacred land when nobody bothered to, you know, mention that to them?

All they knew , from their perspective is that they had a bunch of angry trolls attacking them for apparent reason

The trolls literally were screaming it! Every opportunity the Elves heard the trolls war cries! They know that the land was not theirs to settle yet they did. They then got the humans to fight their battle for them because the elves were biting far more than what they could chew! The elves should of stayed in Kalimdor or moved to an area where nobody lived and if such a place could not be found. Avoid displacing the Native Amani! One side is wrong by any stretch of the imagination. The Elves are should try to make peace with the Amani via the Zandalari or try to get a neutral organization to arbitrate and agree to some sort of reconciliation. Give back lands which were stolen and illegally settled. Wherever and whenever possible.


The Horde players showing up neutrally thread.

They actually did know, according to their own books.

These moss-skinned trolls could regenerate lost limbs and heal grievous physical injuries, but they proved to be a barbaric, evil race. The Amani empire stretched across most of northern Lordaeron, and the trolls fought hard to keep unwanted strangers from their borders. The elves developed a deep loathing for the vicious trolls and killed them on sight whenever they were encountered.

See, “unwanted strangers from their borders.”

And this is just a source from TBC.


I don’t recall being mad at anyone. If anything, it was a heated discussion about what Gilneas and the other cities going neutral

Linking exact posts is something I could do, but eh, mods, tend to frown on that. You could just take a look at the source I gave, then.

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Yeah I cant link WoW articles anymore or the relevant Zul’Aman video which described the events… I guess to prevent anything that isn’t de jure approved.

I’m not seeing any responses I made to you. I see a lot I made to Dread and Erevien. A few arguements about the Tirna trees in Ardenweald and people discussing neutrality and being for or against it.

Can’t say I think this is the appropriate forum to talk about a contentious and currently unfolding geopolitical situation that is being oversimplified by almost everyone involved in this discussion.

I’m not a fan of this particular comparison at all, but if we have to make it, then I hope the writers can come up with a solution to a complicated conflict that isn’t just “invade the sacred places of the Amani trolls again and player characters engage in some more mercenary-genocide”, you can guess my feelings about the real world politics based on that.