The Amani are, infact, the good guys

Man, Blizzard’s writers must be mad this discourse re-entered the zeitgeist just in time for Midnight. Amani and blood elf relations will be awkward enough to smooth over without unironic chants of “from Lake Elrendar to the Great Sea.” :joy_cat:

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I will die on the the hill that the Amani offshoot Reventusk clan are wonderful lads


The revantusk are pretty chill dudes. They’re like the most laid back sect of forest trolls :dracthyr_nod:

They generally mind their own business and you rarely hear of them causing problems with their neighbors

I could 100% see the Revantusk as an AR for the horde. They are already members anyways.

Just like I bet in TLT the horde might get the Taunka at last after joining the horde way back in WotLK.

Well, when Horde and Alliance elves can look like my posting character and the only notable “high” elves are already an Alliance rep faction replete with mount and tabard, the only obvious counterpart to a forest troll AR becomes redundant, and I can’t imagine what else they’d put forward. There’s a higher chance of expanded high elf/forest troll customizations than ARs IMO. Also, won’t we be overdue a class for the next one?

I’d like to see the Reventusk succeed in pulling in some of the Amani who see the appeal of putting grudges on the backburner in exchange for chunks of their/loraedon’s former land and guarantees that the Horde has their back if anyone tries to claim it off them so long as they play nice

(but I really want the frostmane to get some love, you will never convince me the dwarves/gnomes “had” to move to Khaz Modan to displace them)

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I getchu there, but the weird thing to grapple with is as most the world was troll land, and 90% of what wasn’t is at the bottom of the sea now… how do you live anywhere without displacing trolls?

I 100% agree they have depicted it one sidedly, and they need to do better showing that the trolls… were there first.

Elves see resources and think they are entitled to them. That is the same goddamm situation.

Amani empire back to full size nothing else will be accepted here.

Amani empire back to full size nothing else will be accepted here.

The Dwarves/Gnomes came out of Uldaman, there’s a whole lot of uninhabited (at least in the modern day) land between there and where they settled. Its not really settled story what happened there at all, but considering how modern dwarves can be, its not hard to make the assumption that they just walked in and tried to take over the place.

Khaz Modan probably felt the most like Home/Northrend, but considering the Ice trolls are outright adapted to living in those temps… maybe Ironforge could have been built in Loch Modan?

there’s a kind of irony in the “evil” dwarves being the only ones to build their capital in uninhabited land.


No it’s not Erevien. Because 1) Elves aren’t real and 2) Neither are magical ley lines

And lastly, it’s completely irrelevant when talking about a FICTIONAL SETTING

I like the Dark Iron Clan they didn’t have to genocide any natives to create their nation.

No they just started a war they couldn’t win and when they were about to lose, accidentally summoned Ragnaros who then enslaved them.

I used to have one in RP but Blizzard removed our ability to bring back deleted characters sadly.

If Man’ari is just a customization option for draenei while high elf ends up being a 3rd Thalassian elf allied race…

I do not remember the old questing for that region 100% clearly, but I do remember the Dwarves basically treating the frost trolls like dangerous creatures to be culled instead of people. It was very old school in the worst way possible.

Man ice trolls always get the short stick.

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Speaking of soon to be current lore, that might have been Xalatath’s doing lmao.

I don’t think Blizzard will do any more elves in the forseeable future.

The troll elves are almost certainly going to be an allied race at some point in TWW.

I am tired of elves everywhere. Including these new Arathi.

I am more thinking that the high/void/blood elves might be merged mechanically into just a neutral “Thalassian Elves” category so everyone shares customization options. I do think in Midnight they will likely have the felbood elves merge back with the elves given what they did with the Man’arai.