The Amani are, infact, the good guys

They had 0 sacred sites in all of the land the humans took? I also question how sacred a site can be if they let it decay into ruins.

because they don’t really have a choice. As it stands right now both of the world’s superpowers are hostile to them, no-one recognizes their claims to Silvermoon (except for Zul but hes dead) and every attempt to attack the elves has resulted in catastrophic failure
unless blizz takes the lazy route and villain bats them again their best chance for survival is to join the Horde
the Alliance would sooner wipe them out than try to recruit them


Don’t Tell him they hate high elves and humans too.

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And the Horde has the vast majority of the High Elves, remember? :smiley:

Uhm, you are aware that the Forsaken are the former inhabitants of Lordaeron, Yes? You know, the kingdom that initiated the internment project in the first place?

Lordaeron as a name refers to the entire subcontinent too. Again, all of the internment camps in existence are in Lordaeron. None are in Stormwind or Kul Tiras. This is factual.

Their best chance for survival would be to not antagonize the Alliance.

Just ask Garrosh. :smiley:

What kind of a loser writes a thesis on World of Warcraft?

Aim higher ffs.

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yeah just being passive doesn’t exactly work. especially when the alliance is involved. hell the blood elves were active members at one point and not even that saved them

And the Horde has the vast majority of the High Elves, remember? :smiley:

Cool. The Alliance still has more elves (the elves that started it all even with the conflict between the Zandalari and the Night Elves that the trolls still hate to this very day), a noble house that’s themed around killing trolls, no trolls in their ranks to even give them an in with the Amani (unlike the Horde with the Zandalari)

Uhm, you are aware that the Forsaken are the former inhabitants of Lordaeron, Yes? You know, the kingdom that initiated the internment project in the first place?

Uhm, you are aware that the Forsaken have no one tied to it still alive in their ranks? Aedelas is not a Forsaken. Karraym? Not a Forsaken. Skarloc? Not a Forsaken. Remka? Not a Forsaken. The Alliance however do, as I just stated: Danath Trollbane, Stormwind was the Internment Camp’s original headquarters


Honestly, this. The conflict has gone so far beyond the point of who is right or wrong. The Amani hurt themselves time and time again, not because blood elves and humans want to wipe them off the face of the planet, but because the Amani so doggedly pursue ceaseless war with their enemies. They are barreling towards extinction because they cannot make peace if even only temporarily so they can actually rebuild and let their civilization prosper again.

To be fair, I believe the internment camps in Warcraft was set up with a more humanitarian goal in mind, compared to our real world counterparts.

The problem was, of course, that those in charge of the camps were not necessarily the best of people.

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angrily shakes fist at Blackmoore

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Realistically the camps were about as good as you could expect outside of the leadership, given the Alliance was mostly just renaissance level civilizations with some steampunk style tech at that point.

The fact that there were slave arena fights to the death is the only truly vile part of it that wasn’t just Blackmoore being the worst.

Theoretically the orcs could have been resettled in some of the scrub lands that orcs can thrive in, under a strict guard watch to give them something to actually do and provide resources for the Alliance to rebuild, but thats wholly in the realm of speculation and the orcs still got a better deal than the native trolls got.

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They’re gonna be villain-batted again. Disgusting.

What makes you think that?

Was it the Alleria video? The Amani only show up when she talks about fighting the Horde.


Just a daily reminder that the Amani did totally nothing wrong and only defendes themselves.

Friendly reminder that everything you just said is verifiably false

Amani are the victims of the high elves who just ruin everything they touch.

The Amani are at lot of things. Victim isn’t one of them. Not by a long shot

Someone has to defend the Amani considering how hard the Devs have it for their elves all the time it is almost embarrassing.

Nobody has to defend them. You wanting to is different. But no, nobody is forced to defend or empathize with the Amani.

That’s a personal choice, which is totally fine.