The Amani are, infact, the good guys

Yeah, but like, those people are perpetually offended by everything

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it has been shown repeatedly that the Amani cannot stand against the Horde on their own (we have raided their capital twice) and that the other trolls are explicity NOT SYMPATHETIC TO THEIR PLIGHT. (the Darkspear are ancient rivals through the Gurubashi empire and the Zandalari pay us to kill their champions).
They can’t go to the Alliance to try and unseat the elves because the alliance is evil and racist against Trolls.
The only options for the Amani left are to take the L and stop attacking or go extinct

Being offended doesn’t mean they are wrong. In this case it hits the nail.

Nobody takes people who are constantly offended by everything serious.

I think whether or not the Amani were in the right is irrelevant at this point. They’ve been beat down time after time and the fact they aren’t extinct already is kind of miraculous. It seems like if they’re ever to have any notable presence again, it’d have to be as a decidedly less hostile faction, potentially as an allied race.

Like I’ve said before, I think the best route to this is just having some Amani acknowledge that giving up the old tribal grudges and working with the Horde has worked fantastically for the tribes willing to do so, and that they should suck it up and work with the zandalari to see if a tenable peace agreement can be reached so they don’t have to live as a splintered people partially as refugees


Don’t forget we already have Forest Trolls (Revantusk tribe) in the Horde to finally get them as playable race. :dracthyr_yay_animated:


Yes, exactly. I’ve seen people make the argument that the Amani have such a grudge they’d never join the Horde or stop their war to retake Quel’thalas, but the counterargument that they’re just going to go extinct at this rate seems like it’d convince at least some of the Amani.

Yea but it’s the Amani, they’ve got that old school WC2 link going for them.

I mean, I could see reasonable ones finding out about why the 2nd war ended like it did and giving up their anger at the orcs, the belves (and forsaken) are the tricky part, but the horde’s in good with the new Troll pope so if the writers want it to happen, it could happen really easily

Aren’t the Revantusk technically an Amani clan like the Darkspear were technically Gurubashi

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Look I just wanna see a new troll empire rise as part of the Horde and the more named troll tribes joining it the better.


I want the frostmane to join the horde and resettle in winterspring so I get it, I really do


Yet only the Horde raided Zul Aman in TBC (Canon stated by Chronicles). There was also a Blood Elf vendor who refused to sell his wares to trolls (Based).

Are we sure that it’s just the Alliance that hates Trolls?

I stated that in the post, the Horde has raided Zul’Aman twice
and the biases of a single elf are irrelevant as Quel’thallas is officially allied with 3 (4 now as of bfa) Troll tribes.
no faction within the Alliance is allied with any

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The Horde raided Zul Amani TWICE, while the Alliance did it only once.

So, the Amani should prefer the Horde over the Alliance… because?

I still don’t get why the Amani are hyper fixated on Quel’thalas and elves when the vast majority of their former empire was taken by the humans of Lordaeron who are now the forsaken.

Like I don’t think the elves advanced their territory at all after the troll wars, but humans took massive swathes of land.


For the same reason that the orcs ignore how the Forsaken locked them up before the Third War.

The Forsaken being the “rightful citizens of Lordaeron” is brought up only when it’s to discredit the Alliance’s claims to these lands.

The Story never puts the Forsaken in a position where they are confronted by their “allies” for what they did in life, such as locking up the orcs.

All of the internment camps were in Lordaeron. 0 were in Stormwind or Kul Tiras. Yet does anyone ever bring that up? :slight_smile:

So, the Amani should prefer the Horde over the Alliance… because?

The Alliance not only has the Trollbanes, but various other races and creeds the Amani forest trolls aren’t usually typically fond of (more elves than the Horde, the Wildhammer Clan) and as Tenebrys just stated, there are no trolls allied with any faction in the Alliance.

Compare and contrast this with the fact that… the Amani are Horde already by association in the form of their subservience to the Zandalari Empire in spite of everything.


Gilneas, lordaeron, arathi all sit on former troll land. The arathi even have a family called TROLLBANE for crying out loud

And yet the Amani are obsessed with destroying the blood elves. Make it make sense

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The Story never puts the Forsaken in a position where they are confronted by their “allies” for what they did in life, such as locking up the orcs.

The Forsaken have no direct ties to the Internment Camps sans them occupying Durnholde in Cataclysm long after Aedelas was slain. The Alliance? Their original overseer (Danath Trollbane) is still around and kicking, it’s original headquarters (New Stormwind) is still standing and…

All of the internment camps were in Lordaeron. 0 were in Stormwind or Kul Tiras. Yet does anyone ever bring that up? :slight_smile:

Not all of the internment camps were in Lordaeron. The Lordamere Internment Camp was based in the Alterac Mountains and Hammerfall was in the Arathi Highlands.

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I agree, but I suppose with QT being sacred to them, and the elves also helping with the humans expansion, it makes sense. Especially with their Capital being right on the border of the ghostlands