The Amani are, infact, the good guys

Yeah, you are pretty cringe. :v)

Depends on how hot they are

It’s so weird. Under any other circumstances putting people into an interment camp is criminal and barbaric, but somehow in Warcraft it ends up being the option that’s actually kind of merciful? It’s so bizarre. It doesn’t feel right at all

But it goes to show you that you can’t always take things from the game and compare them to real world situations. We might find familiar situations to things that happen in the real world, but they can have a fantasy twist that you’d never see out outside of the game. It can completely change everything about the scenario.

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In the real world, you can’t have giants who literally drank kool-aid from a Demon. You just have normal huamns.

Putting normal humans inside of internment camps is wrong.

Putting giants who literally drank kool-aid from a Demon inside of internment camps
 it’s better than the alternatives, which is either pardoning them or straight-up genocide. :slight_smile:


I love how every discussion about the trolls/orcs/human/elven distaste for eachother leads to real world stuff, THIS IS A GAME simply look at it from a game perspective both amani and elves are in the wrong not that hard to understand.

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It is not just a game. Most races blizzard created are straight up caricatures of real existing cultures and often shown in a direspectful manner. They need to be more sensitive instead of writing them out as villains while the european coded humans and elves get to save the day from “those ugly smelly savages”. It is all very problematic.

Hey man I enjoy troll lore more than just about anybody they have been my favorite race since i was a youngin, but like you cant get too attached to video game stuff, also I realize it is problematic but come on BLIZZARD IS PROBLEMATIC, do you realize how many problems they get into. Also this is coming from someone who is of indigenous descent and has a lot of feelings of colonization, BUT THIS IS JUST A GAME!

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not at all.

It is much more this day.

Not at all doesnt recognize everything I said, I dont really know what you mean man can you elaborate.

WOW is part of popular culture and as art too it has ties to the real world now. It is a lifestyle not a game. Like every media with a huge following. Just like all authors and critics were angry at D&D when they made Daenerys evil. Read between the lines.

It literally is.

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It’s a game. There is no lifestyle by playing WoW

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Maybe you pseudo-intellectual wannabes should stop trying to “read between the lines” and read the actual lines on the page.

There you will see things like:

  1. The Amani attacked the Alliance AND THE HORDE on two separate occasions.

  2. Daenerys stated in S2 that she would burn cities to the ground once her dragons were grown up. :slight_smile:

Which they totally deserved for trespassing on land that doesn’t belong to them.

Or you accept you can’t not seperate a ficttional work of art from criticism when real stuff is obvious in the stuff Blizzard puts in the story.

She was shown as hero and made a total heelturn.

Look, imma say this, saying a MMORPG is a way of life is a obvious sign to me of video game addiction.

Anything with huge enough following create actual life of the hobby itself. So Blizzard should act more responsible when touching POC coded native cultures in the future instead of making them ugly evil people.

Hobby =/= way of life.
Please stop comparing minorities to fictinal monster people.

Twitter crowd disagrees, the races of the Horde are infact standins for POC cultures and they want it changed and Blizzard need to listen to those voices.

And they won’t.

You might as well of told me you heard it in 4-Chan

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