The Amani are, infact, the good guys

Progressives support decolonization instead of fearmongering about “colonizer genocide,” or saying “revanchism” like a parakeet lol.

According to this logic, Haiti, and Tanzania are both illegitimate. Also I never defended attacking the elves lol.


Decolonization =/= revanchism, it never has. You really need to educate yourself of decolonial political theory.

Good. The only time the Alliance as a political unit has ever been interesting was during MoP, in Jade Forest, when they were clearly acting in the way a colonialist power acts. Boo hoo my fictional international alliance acts colonialist sometimes :(((((

Colonialist? The Alliance(unlike the Horde) wasnt even interest in new lands in pandaria and was only interested in making sure its resources were not used against them.

Heck, by the time of Lion’s Landing the Alliance had already commited to defending it from the Horde(for example stopping the Horde attempting to use pandaren hostages in a Little Patience)

If you’ve played through Jade Forest alliance side and actually paid attention to what was going on, you’d understand what I’m talking about. It’s very obvious the inspiration that was put into that questline. A small elite force of espionage experts sent to a foreign land to undermine enemy influence, establish a foothold, sway the locals to their side and commit to fighting a proxy war between rival groups. Like Idk what to tell you SI:7 was the CIA in early MoP and it was cool. Get over yourself and your faction war brainrot and let Blizzard do some fun things idk.

Why should the Alliance be the only side that gets painted as the “cOlOnIzeRs”?

Orcs colonized Durotar from the Quilboar. The Blood Elves are former High Elves themselves. The Forsaken are the former inhabitants of Lordaeron/Gilneas aka former Humans.

Not to mention how the Horde’s goal in Pandaria was to actually colonize the continent, while the Alliance’s stated goal was to rescue Prince Anduin.

Why only the Alliance should get accused of “cOlOnIZaTiOn”?


And even that still paints the Alliance as a more heroic group. Heck, the Horde one literally one has you killing hozen initially before you even ally with them.

Ultimately, Mists was not shy of saying who the bad guy was and while the Alliance certainly had failings(it is war, that is what happens) it was still ultimately not trying dominate pandaria, unlike the Horde.

And after that it turn to a mission of saving the pandarens from the Horde, whether they want to or not because if they werent. They were going to end up having their resources used to wipe out the Alliance.

There I FIFY.

I’m not a liberal. Nobody should be one. MLK hated liberals. After all, they would always police other people’s struggles for freedom, as they do today.


On that note why should colonizing be considered wrong?

Interesting twist. So if someone were to say “Nobody should be a racist,” this means they want all racists to immediately cease existing? And this makes them a genocidaire, rather than an anti-racist?

Nobody tell him that there are multiple Palestinian groups who aren’t even religious, yet get along with the “H group” pretty well.

Erevien’s been on your side.

If you go around lecturing freedom fighters about how they should fight for their freedom, and will immediately demonize their cause if they do x or y, then policing their struggle is exactly what you’re doing.

At least the buildings are still standing.

I…actually did not know this.

Futher proving how dumb this argument of pointing fingers is.

God you’re so close but so dense. Also why you still level 11? Get back to leveling.


Wrong. Shows what you know. Shows your reading comprehension. He agrees with you!

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Wrong. I indeed saw Erevien’s flip flop. But his old position is loud and clear.

As far no one should be a liberal, most people tend to be moderates anyway with conservative and liberal views

You know its a dark day when we’re all trying to decide who Evevien sides with. At this point I thought, hoped, it was common knowledge he swaps to whatever best suits his often misguided head canons.

As I said in another post somewhere as well, ever Evevien post is best to ignore until folks who don’t know better actually start to engage with it and then yall can have a real discussion after about 20-50 posts.

Although as seen here, we all know it hardly lasts.


Nuance is like the internet’s kryptonite

The forum is a lot more fun if you’ve watched Shogun and read everything he says in Yabushige’s voice


It’s a thing:

When we arrived, the Razormane quilboars possessed much of the land, and proved a thorn in our sides. Through our efforts we have driven out the largest part of their numbers, but still they remain well-fortified in some areas.

It has gone on long enough, however. For our own protection, we cannot allow the Razormane any hold in our lands. Their camps can be found to the west of here. Look for the brambles and you will find them. Today we drive them from Durotar, tomorrow, perhaps from all of Kalimdor.

I will pass along word that the quilboars have been removed from their lairs, and that their structures may be set to fire. The removal of the Razormane from Durotar brings us closer to fully securing the borders of our new homeland.

The quest’s name? “Encroachment”. The narrative couldn’t be any clearer.

So we just established that the Orcish kingdom of Durotar is built on stolen Quilboar land, so why exactly only the Alliance needs to face the “colonization” allegations?


I love entering into the WoW story forums, scrolling up and seeing the political takes and views of WoW players.

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