The Amani are, infact, the good guys

This entire side of the forums can be summed up to:
“people arguing who has the moral high ground in a game called World of Warcraft where the writers could not care less.”


Also How dare you kill those evil mobs?! Obviously you support X horrible thing IRL!!

Its insane how many people can’t separate fiction from reality


Again repeating it.

As far as I’m aware it only started up to point out the hypocrisy of the people weeping big soppy tears over Theramore and eventually Teldrassil but ignoring when the shoe’s been on the other foot, often in surprisingly recent times.

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There has been a concerted effort to try and paint the Alliance as some sort of “colonizers” and to try and paint the Horde as these oh so oppressed stand in for minorities when the Horde has been just as capable of colonization as anyone else. Heck, the Horde took land from the Quillboar and Erivien of all people said it was ok because they were savages.


I don’t think anyone’s saying the horde is blameless and innocent. Except Erevien, but who cares about him?

But when a major reason why WC1 even could have happened was Stormwind getting land greedy and Llane going full “Exterminate the brutes” when the gurubashi fought back, there’s definitely a darker side to the Alliance that blueside fans conveniently brush off, and Blizzard never follows up on.

Someone like High Marshal Twinbraid was just as brutal as any of Garrosh’s flunkies, BFA had Alliance applying collective punishment on people who looked like they might consider joining the horde possibly, the Horde’s hands definitely aren’t clean but the Alliances’ aren’t either.

Repeating it isn’t going to make it true :stuck_out_tongue:

The only Horde races the Alliance treated unjustly was:

  • The Darkspear Trolls
  • The Blood Elves
  • The Goblins
  • The Vulpera
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the hell did the tauren do to you?

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Willingly joined up with the orcs.

That is basically it. They read the contract, noted: “We orcs kicked human butt back in the day, and now the humans hate us” and the tauren still signed.

It is not that the tauren did anything bad directly, it is just the deal they accepted.

The Darkspear Trolls.
Blood Elves.
And Vulpera were being unjustly prosecuted by the Alliance, hence why they were the only races who were actually forced to join the Horde by the Alliance, because they were put in a bad situation.

The vulpera the least of all four.

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As much as people dont like to hear it, that is one of the leading stereotypes this player base is known for other then being addicted.


Right?! Oh the irony.


If the night elves didn’t want the tauren to turn to the orcs in their desperate plight, maybe they could have lifted a lazy blue finger to help them. Just spitballing here.


Yes but tbf the Alliance also have never lived under the fist of a tyrant who threatened to kill “lesser races” if they did not bootlick. So it’s hard to compare 1:1

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Plenty of living Night elves lived under Azshara’s rule though?


Maybe… maybe not. But the Night Elves were not a part of the Alliance then, regardless.

Only North Koreans would understand the plight of the Horde :sob:

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All I said was this. If Zul’jin was evil, so are the colonizing elves.


they really put Kael’thas and Zul’jin in the same place and didn’t have them interact even once


Not sure quite what you are saying. Yes, the Alliance regarding the Tauren as foes because they are part of the Horde is reasonable. But I would regard the elimination of the Stonespire Tribe as “unjust”.

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