The Amani are, infact, the good guys

Hes trolling, hes just never broke character once. He says these things but if one pays attention you notice he always says the most hyped up statements even if they condidict previous ones.
If hes not, woooooah nelly…

Im like 87% sure hes mocking them lol.


It’s an impressive troll game if true. Should take a few note :rofl:


The Amani colonized land from Elementals and Aqiri, when are they going to return their land?

Bro this is insane :sob::sob:

I want wins from trolls. Nothing else.

Not if Night Elves aren’t recognized as colonizers.


and you’d have to be delusional to think that the Amani stand a chance against the Blood Elves, let alone the Horde. Which at this point is basically the Empire of Zul 2 as every Troll tribe that isn’t at death’s door has joined it

I mean, they technically count as one. With their global empire under Azshara

What’s everyone obsession with colonizers? Who cares? No one is technically native to the land they built on.

I think it’s more that people are mad about the crimes some nations commited against other groups of people. Like, I have family/ancestors from Ireland and the British did some pretty horrible things to the Irish, that Irish people are rightfully mad about.

(The Brit’s also abused and did horrible things to a ton of other groups too, I was just given a small example)

There’s a misconception of the Land Back movement. While yes, in terms of the US/Canada it’s a movement to recognize land ownership but it’s not about displacing settlers who have lived here or about denying immigrants and refugees.

Land back is more about land stewardship. The Blood Elves are using arcane magic to help sustain forests in the area. The Amani sided with the Horde in the 2nd war who burnt that forest. Amani are just territorial, they are not entitled to the land. Sone in their ranks still worship Old Gods and want to summon Hakkar and Mueh’zala and ressurect Kith’ix which would be bad for the land and the people on it.

it’s almost terrifying how quickly violence is called for when it’s believed it’s “justified.”

I think people who think like that should step away from the internet for a while. it’s a very dangerous way of thinking.


Daily reminder that the Amani did nothing wrong.

Daily reminder Amani did a lot wrong

So did the high elves


Can they both not peacefully coexist?

The Sapolsky baboon study is so relevant rn.

Of course they can. But some here don’t want that.

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There’s some self reflection needed when a few blood Elf players are calling for the genocide of blood elves. And not just that, some self reflection of how quick people who claim they are “good, morally superior” people are quick to resort to genocide if they feel they are justified.

Introspection is needed.


No. All elves back to kalimdor.

Forcing of the hand, a whisper in the ear
Spirit of enabling
Sinister command of what I want to hear
I’m the only one who pulls my strings
I’m the devil living in the pride
I’m the devil, no one’s hands are tied
I’m the devil, damnation dignified
I’m the devil and it’s only me inside
Why would you pretend your will is not your own
Claiming something pushed you there?
Don’t mean to condescend but it’s you and you alone
You’re the architect of your despair

The Amani CHOSE to duck around and find out. They decided on killing strangers who came to their lands, they decided to start the animosity, the Amani chose to die off.

The Elves would probably have tried to kill them off even if the Amani did not attack first though, but we’ll never know because the Amani struck first, and kept striking first.

You don’t start punching, and then cry about it when someone punches back. At that point you are either lucky to meet a foe weaker than yourself, or more merciful than yourself.

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The sundering destroyed almost all elf lands. The onky reason some Kaldorei survived in Kalimdor was due to exile. There’s no home to go back to. The troll lands were also destroyed during the Sundering. That’s why the Amani cannot go home. The sundering changed the land and the people on it.