The Amani are, infact, the good guys

Only if those filthy fire elementals stop turning those rivers and streams dry!

Angry lil earth elemental noises

Listen man….like the Aqir want their land back. They sent us an angry worded memo about it. Their masters are pretty angry about the whole situation


Those rivers and streams deserve to be dry


How dare you! That means….no more mountains for you good sir!

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Those mountains were annexed from the air elementals and are rightful Earth elemental clay!


They’d prob do Harronir as neutral for both, and they’re like Fairy Cave Trolls.

You gotta love that they also ONLY try to bring it up. If it’s something they want.

Like they dont want an Elf xpac, and they want Troll stuff.

So they make a shallow and inconsistent point of stretching and trigger words.

To make Blizz give them what they want because “social justice”. Lol


I deny you entrance to all muddy arenas! Good Sir! :rofl:

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Listen, with great power comes great responsibility. Therazane called it the “Earthen Burden”. I call it what it is: the strength of the master to discipline the servant (other elements).


Sends a strongly worded letter to Elemental Advisory Board about this :rofl:

Any and all future responses to such things is to remind them how the trolls violated the Aqirs rights and took their lands.

Just….ignore the giant cancerous tumors (aka Old Gods) and maddening whispers. Those whispers being a figment of your imagination of course :rofl:


Ah Yes, nothing says “Racist Genocidal Dictator” like:

  • Forming an alliance of mutual aid with Humans, Dwarves, and Gnomes.

  • Not launching any attack against Zul Aman for over 2,600 years and just coexisting in the region;

  • Ruling alongside a political body called Convocation of Silvermoon that holds much of the power at court.

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I love you.

That was beautiful explained.


Quel’thalas shouldn’t exist.

Zul Aman shouldn’t either. It was built on stolen Aqir land by brute force.

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The old gods are actually evil. Being called a smelly savage is not a excuse to kill people. That’s colonizer hate speech.

The Nerubians rejected the Old Gods.

So, kick the Drakkari out of Northrend. They don’t belong there.

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Wow, calling an entire race evil is very racist. Talk about colonizer hate speech.


I am copying the same stuff you did before. Feel called out on the double standards.

How much money did you bribe Aucald with to ignore your constant bait towards Horde fans on MMO champion?

The Elves never fought the trolls because they were “smelly savages”. It sounds like you’re projecting your personal opinion of the trolls here.

But to be fair, the Lore states and has for years now. That the Black Empire was actually one of the best times for the people on the planet, in terms of societal progression, technological, and magical advancements.

Blizz from like Cata onward really made it clear that the Old Gods weren’t all bad. Sure they’re bad for the whispers and the psychosis they cause.

But there’s also good to them.

Same thing they’ve been doing with Light, Death, Order, and Nature.


I mean come on…
Hes saying this on a Blood Elf


I’m hoping it’s just intense satire.

Considered the term first came about in the Dragon Age franchise. Where the Elves are hunted off their native lands, and are often tortured, imprisoned, and worse. With a lot of parallels being drawn between how the Brits treated the First Nations and how the Brits also treated the Celts.

Like considering his arguing points. Using that term, it just…it HAS to be satire, right?

He flip flops a lot to be honest. He goes from loving the blood elves and the horde, to wanting to massacre and genocide everyone in the horde for being what he calls race traitors

It’s hard to tell if he actually means what he says or he simply doesn’t understand what he’s spouting because most of the time he’s just regurgitating social media talking points