The Amani are, infact, the good guys

Blood elves are interesting and cool. It’s why most people like them, humans just suck :rofl:


Once again, you don’t know what Colonized means, you also don’t truly understand the term indigenous.

You even previously tried to mansplain your incorrect doctrine to me, someone who is indigenous to the land I live on, and has historically had said land stolen and defiled (not the point of the topic. Just saying).

Let’s break it down for you:

  • All Trolls come from Zandalari Trolls

  • Zandalari Trolls originate from the Zandalar area.

  • The Zandalari then took, settled, and based on some lore hints, actually colonized the majority of the super continent.

  • The other troll tribes, such as the Amani come about over time, from living in various areas that Zandalari Empire had conquered.

Meaning, that by the definition you gave against me, all Trolls outside of Zandalar are colonizers, and just horrible people, who should be geocided.

Now, let’s move onto your other points.

  1. You claim that the Amani are native to the land. Which as I already showcased they technically are not.

So, I’ll go off of the assumption to mean, that they are native to the area post transition into a Forest Troll.

  • However, the Amani strongholds were in Zul Aman, and south of that. Which is again a pretty big chunk south of where the Blood Elves would set up shop.


  • Considering the fact that it goes Zandalari > Dark Troll > Night Elf > High/Blood Elf. In terms of evolution.

  • It means that Blood/High Elves are 100% indigenous to Quel’thelas. They didn’t exist until after they arrive in Eversong and set up the Sunwell. Upon arrival they were still Night Elves.

So, not only have we shown to you that the lore states the Amani land wasn’t actually ever stolen when it comes to Silvermoon.

I’ve also laid out to you, that by your own logic, if Amani are indigenous, then so too are the Blood Elves.

You just have unresolved RACISM you’re projecting into the game. Because a lot of Blood Elves are fair skinned. Which news flash. Several Races have fair skin irl.

Some Arabs, Egyptians, British, Celtic, Nordic, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Russian, Ukrainian, etc.

Like the “white people” that you hate so much, ie the British Empire, based on your constant use of the word Colonizer, which you don’t use correctly.

Aren’t the only people with that skin tone.

Not to mention if anything Blood Elves are more Celtic, which is a group that had no part in IRL Colonization.

But then again, the game lore never spells out what race they are, just that they are a race with fair skin.

This is the last I’ll respond to your Racist and Biggoted self.

And I truly hope Blizz bans your entire account, because you’re a hateful and uneducated troll.


I think you don’t.

Most indigenous people would never agree with this logic you’re spewing, that you can’t be indigenous unless you’re people were created on a specific land. The fact that you name-dropped Palestinians and expected them to agree with that says a lot.

You’re just repeating the same nonsense argument, that you can’t be indigenous unless your people were created in a certain land.

The Amani owned the land, and colonizers don’t get to decide how natives should use the land.

That makes no sense. They’re colonizers regardless of when they were transformed.

The Blood Elves are not a race who’s members are typically portrayed as dark-skinned, and if they were they’d still be colonizers in-game.

Also your history and analysis of Blood Elf basis is wrong.

You claim I’m racist towards white people. That’s your main priority as a First Nations person?

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You aren’t denying it though :+1:


The Amani settled on land that was empty.

So….they colonized it you mean


It’s so funny how there’s a royal family literally called “Trollbane”, with their ancesetral sword called “Troll Slayer”.

The most based family in history. :rofl:

I’m so happy that King Danath Trollbane is back in the spotlight in TWW. :sunglasses:


Holy ish.
Sins of the Father indeed.

Technically, it was claimed. They settled where part of the black empire was… so the old gods want their land back.


Yeah, I don’t know why Troll fans keep ignoring this.

All Trolls except the Zandalari are colonizers. All Trolls originate from Zandalar and all the other tribes are just colonizers who settled in the four corners of the world by force. We know it was by force, because they left the Zandalar to contain the threat of the Aqir across the world. Literally the reason why they all left Zandalar was to kill more Aqir.

And you can’t say “bug and squid people have no right” because:

  1. That’s racist.

  2. The Black Empire was the most advanced civilization in Azeroth’s history, dwarfing even Ancient Suramar according to Xal’atath. So cope like the OP pulled with the quillboar won’t work here.

So the Amani are colonizers who stole rightful Black Empire land.

Give the bug and squid people their land back.


Give the Elementals their land back!

All land is elemental land!


Ngl. I’d love to see a functioning city that had the vibe of ny’aloth


He’s probably going off the UN definition of indigenous which is inconsistent and arbitrarily applied.

Amani probably wouldn’t qualify for that anyway since they still have a nation and aren’t a minority living under foreigners.


Malefic here on my phone.

I know I said I’d stop responding. But you’ve sucked me back in.

It’s actually racist of YOU to generalize a group of people and say we wouldn’t do X,Y,Z. What’s next? You gonna say all Asians are good at math?

But yes, that is how INDEGINOUS works. That’s something we talk about often. We are the people of the Americas. This is where we originate from, for as far back as our stories say, our history tells us, and so forth.

You can’t walk to a new street and claim you came from there.

I’m sick of your misinformation.

You do realize that Eygptians owned the land that is Isreal/Palestine. Before either people.

Hence me name dropping them when you’re going off about Colonizers in a false pretense.

Because that’s how it works.

If a White guy goes to Japan, and only has kids with White people. Those kids won’t be able to say they’re indigenous to Japan.

You’re right, they didn’t own the land of Eversong. It was empty

Thanks for agreeing.

Well they colonized it from Aqir. Almost all Troll tribes formed in areas of Old God activity. Because the trolls wanted to remove all Old God creations from the planet.

Dark Trolls are one of the only ones who didnt do that.

If this makes no sense to you, then the Amani are still just colonizing the planet.

Being dark skinned or light skinned doesn’t make someone good or bad. You’ve literally commited racism to everyone just now with that.

Give me a source. Several people, myself included have given you lore sources.

All you keep doing is spouting off headcanons, with no actual evidence.

You are a racist. Not just toward white people.

But with this post alone you’re also racist to First Nations people.

Like do your realize how patronizing and honestly Colonizer-esque behavior it is of YOU. To try to say that a First Nations person shouldnt advocate for racism to be stopped, and to properly point out the differences between idegenious and not?

You’re disgusting and racist.


Yes the Trollbane family is indeed awful. Hope the line dies with Danath

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For your sake, I hope he gets a nice Amani girl pregnant. Half Amani half human with the last name trollbane. Heh


You’ve been saying the whole time that the Amani aren’t indigenous because they’re descended from the Zandalari, and the Zandalari aren’t aren’t indigenous to Eversong Woods. You still don’t realize how how such an argument would destroy almost any claims of indigeneity irl.

Now you’re claiming Palestinians aren’t indigenous? Disgusting. Palestinians have always been there. They weren’t always Arab, but they’ve always been there.

That’s the logic YOU used for the High Elves lmao. You said High Elves were indigenous because they were transformed by the Sunwell when they were already in Quel’Thalas. I’m pointing out by your logic, nobody’s indigenous anywhere except to Africa, which is insane.

I meant “They owned the land.”

Literally nothing to do with whether the Amani are indigenous or not, even if true.

They aren’t.

Never said that.

I meant your real-world history.

Complaining about so-called hatred towards white people is absolutely disgusting.

Hope they have many more children, and introduce a new line of Trollbanes to the new Arathi Empire. Just so it aggravates you to no end. :dracthyr_nod:

How about them elemental apples! :rofl:

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I said it first belonged to Egyptians, in the area they’re specifically all at war over.

I never said they weren’t an indigenous people.

The Forest Trolls/Amani were not in Eversong.

Again, state your sources. They were much farther south then Eversong.

  1. Africa isn’t the birth place of all humans. We came from Pangea. But go off.

  2. If Amani are indigenous to Zul Aman and that area. Then High Elves are indigenous to Eversong.

The High Elves are as different a people from Night Elves. As Amani are from Zandalari.

What’s disgusting you thinking it’s OK to be racist.

Your sheer level of racism towards white people. Is insane.

You did

You realize they had an empire and settlements that the Trolls colonized in canon, world wide, right?

Your inability to critically think, and sheer racism.

Towards not only white people, but towards ingenious peoples.

Is disgusting.

Touch grass

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Would you two just stop already. No one cares. Take the e peen measuring contest elsewhere. We got trolls to discuss.