The Amani are, infact, the good guys

No I literally explained that your history was wrong, and the Blood Elves are far more comparable to that country’s colonization than the Amani are.

Reclaiming your land from colonizers is always good and perfectly legal though. You don’t know the history of the real-world area you’re trying to make a comparison to, in order to bring the Amani down to a certain country’s level. There’s a difference between being colonized for centuries and fighting back, and being a European displacing indigenous people because you had ancestors who lived there thousands of years ago.

Splendid! When are you leaving?


They weren’t being colonized for centuries. The elves annexed a bit of land and then stayed in that bit of land. The Amani had a vast empire that was left completely alone by the elves until the trolls attacked trying to reclaim lost territory that was lost FOUR THOUSAND YEARS earlier.

If trying to reclaim the land your ancestors were from 1400 or so years ago is bad, then trying to reclaim the land your ancestors were from 4000 years ago is also bad.

Be consistent.

Out of curiosity, you would not happen to live in the United States would you?


They were. They’re colonized now.

Great. They colonized Amani land.

I am consistent. You simply make no distinctions between how the land changed hands, who currently lives there, and who is trying to “reclaim” the land.

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They weren’t than and they aren’t now.

They are not and were not. Losing land in a war is not colonization.

The only distinction here is it’s magically not colonization if it’s done by a people you like and is colonization if done by a people you don’t like.


You keep defending actual real world war crimes, so have fun with that.

No, I’m not. I’ve been saying the whole time that wiping out people living in a territory that used to belong to your people thousands of years ago is bad.

You’re the one defending doing that, as long as it’s happening to people you don’t like.

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Lore is Quel’thalas was once sacred amani lands, certainly, they were also long depopulated ruins that had never recovered from the sundering when the elves got there. The Amani trolls had been terrorizing them with nightly raids for a long time, unprovoked outside of them being on land the trolls still considered theirs despite lacking the people or power to actually enforce such a claim.

So, were the Elves to go “oh, our bad, these long abandoned ruins are important to you. We will just go die now.”

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Yes apparently.

Genocide of the elves=good
Trolls losing a small bit of unused territoy in a war they started=worst crime imaginable

Its just anti elf racism that drives players to think like this. The Amani are clearly and obviously the bad guys. they lost their moral high ground when the attacked the elven refugees and have been in a downward death spiral ever sense. The other Troll tribes think they’re insane


The elves lost the moral high ground when they used a magical wmd. You elf fans wouldn’t care If the elves were ugly.

you say that like Trolls are ugly

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No i say you only like elves cuz they Look human

And there’s nothing wrong with that either

I would say it is likely less the appearance of the trolls that drives people away as much as their behavior. Eating people tends to have that effect on your reputation.

Now, there is something to be said on if they ever should of been given such traits to begin with, but here we are, in the timeline where they were.


Obvious bias is obvious.

And? It’s not a crime :stuck_out_tongue:

my hatred of humanity is well documented that is not why i like elves lol