The Amani are, infact, the good guys

The elves who did the deed were alive still.

If it makes you feel better, Arthas took care of that problem when he genocided 90% of the high elven race.

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Colonization is colonization, regardless of who fired the first shot lmao. Annexing territory is illegal regardless of who technically started it. Not to mention if the settlers don’t leave, violent removal is justified.

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I love how they think genocide and violence is okay when it’s something they approves of.


Removing illegal settlers is not genocide.

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The Amani started a war and lost. Get over it

The Blood Elves are colonizers.

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So is all annexation then colonization? Should Austria go reclaim South Tyrol by any means necessary? Should the Netherlands reclaim Belgium? Germany take Prussia? Finland go take Vyborg? Should Greece take Istanbul?

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No they are not. They were refuges attacked by a hyper violent troll tribe. And that troll tribe got their teeth rightfully kicked in

Oh, okay cool. You actually just defeated your own argument. The Amani illegally took their land by force from the aqir. By your own logic the high elves are just removing illegal settlers. :woman_shrugging:


Those filthy troll colonizers should stop being so racist and give their land back to the indigenous Aqir. Also if you use the crab filter in War Within, congratulations racist you’re erasing indigenous peoples.


All land is elemental land and everyone else is a filthy no good colonizer


All annexation is literally illegal under international law. If they put settlers there, it’s colonization.

The general rule is that all people have the right to self-determination. Modern countries taking now independent territory they used to hold back is not that. And in the last case, the modern Turkish state is based on genocide lol. That’s why they constantly deny the Armenian Genocide and fight Kurdish groups. A whole lot of people have legitimate claims to land in modern-day Turkey.

I am really excited for the answer to this lol

Edit: Damn, it was not crazy.

I’m a human and therefor 1/1,000,000th elemental, which is enough to stake my claim.


So, if say there was a country in a place and then they were displaced by another group of people conquering their territory, but they managed to return to their original home say 1400 or so years later. Would you say they had a right to get rid of the people who had displaced them?

Because that seems to be what you’re arguing in favor of.

Which, let’s be real here
That’s most of the world.

And not a concept unique to human beings in the real world either

It took me a while to realize what time period you were talking about. They was no mass expulsion in that area by Arabs 1400 years ago. The population intermingled with Arabs and assimilated their culture. This is a disgusting lie, and it says a lot about a person who just makes up history like that, and compares colonization to people wanting their land back.

Also the majority of people on your side have also defending that country, which says a lot about which struggle has in common with what.

About what I expected. No actual consistency in your argument and a complete lack of self-awareness.

I think trying to reclaim land after hundreds or thousands of years by exterminating the people currently living there is wrong. You seem to pick and choose when it’s right or wrong based on your personal biases.