The Amani are, infact, the good guys

That’s incredibly dishonest, and that’s all I need to say on the matter.

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A war the AMANI started and one that the ZANDALARI instigated the amani into starting you mean.

It’s the truth. That’s all that matters in the end

to kill soldiers, this counts not as genocide…

What are you talking about? They summoned the firestorm outside of a human fortress against the troll army that was laying siege to it.

There certainly weren’t millions and killing soldiers currently engaged in a siege is not genocide.

And besides, nobody woke up every morning and decided Let me go kill some Amani today. As you and other mentioned, the elves erected a shield and than tried to forget about the rest of the world for four thousand years

Yes it does. A handful villagers are not worse then all the trolls that died. The elves did worse. THAT IS THE TRUTH.

The elves are wrong. As all european coded fantasy races by default.

They had the chance to Go Back into the ocean.

Keep spouting that racist jargon Erevien. Really helps people take you less serious than we already do

Once the elves return the stolen lands to the native Amani we can talk about Peace. Until then kill as many of them as possible.

and you don´t see the insanity in this statement?

It was a bunch of ABANDONED RUINS the Amani didn’t care about until someone else settled the area

Have… have you seen blood elf buildings and such? Very European. Yep, definitely. The most European of European races to ever European.

Justice matters. Humans Go back to ulduar. The elves to ashenvale. The whole eastern continent is troll turf.

I…honestly don’t think Erevien could point to Europe on a map despite him being from Germany :rofl:

Revanchism is not justice.

He’s from Germany? A German that’s very in favor of revanchism? Oh no…

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The Kaldorei are already inhabitating Ashenvale. So that’s settled. And the Humans are from the Tirisfal/Arathi area, so that’s also settled.

Glad we settled that quickly

He’s a facist if that helps to explain things. Or he proclaimed to be one a few years ago at least

Uh yeah they do? That’s the whole point of colonizing lol.

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Actually, the WW2 German party implanted germans across Europe, and they were rightfully expelled after the war. Comparing them to indigenous people who want their land back is incredibly twisted.

There is NOTHING outside of WoW, how dare you!

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