The Amani are, infact, the good guys

You don’t know that seeing as it’s years away

I know. Everyone will rotate around Alleria again. Seen the Image of the NPCs around showing who they represent? It’s just awful.

This is the “community” Blizzard is creating.


Does that mean we’ll get a couple years without you starting arguments on your level 10 blood elf alt orrrrrr…?

Although I rarely agree with Erevien, I can have some sympathy for his concerns. He is the Horde equivalent of the Alliance “Horde bias” posters from the Cataclysm era. Don’t know if you were around these forums then, but every thread inevitably devolved into arguments over their preferred topic. As wrong headed as 99% of the arguments they were making were, they felt unheard by Blizz and just needed to scream into the void of these forums in a vain effort to get some recognition. Erevien is doing the same thing just from the other side of the faction divide.

But there WAS bias back in Cataclysm era, how can you deny that? Kosak himself, the Lead Writer at the time, acknowledged it:

And, he argues, while the Alliance may be getting beat up, the Horde has taken its share of lumps too. But in the long run, heroes are not born out of easy times. The Alliance will go through tough times, but it will give heroes the opportunity to arise. The Alliance’s time is coming. One thing he did admit to is that Blizzard needs to do a better job of making sure people can interact with their heroes. He acknowledges that the Alliance may not think of Thrall as theirs or part of their story, and he promises that once Cataclysm as over, we will catch up with other characters

The Alliance in Cataclysm lost:

  • Half of Ashenvale;

  • Southshore;

  • Hillsbrad;

  • Failed to defend Gilneas, the Worgen were funneled into Darkshore while the continuation of Gilneas storyline was Horde-exclusive;

  • The Night Elf school in Stonetalon was nuked;

  • They lost Andorhal;

  • Thrall, the former Horde Warchief, claimed to be “Neutral”, yet helped bring the Goblin into the Horde for the war against the Alliance;

  • Thrall had all the spotlight in Dragon Soul. Who were Alliance players supposed to cheer for? The former Horde Warchief, who appointed the guy who is presently waging war on them?

  • Also, let’s not forget that Vol’jin was the main protagonist of 4.1, who led the attack on Zul Aman. Vereesa and the Silver Covenant were just extras in Vol’jin’s story.

How quick people are to forget about “Green Jesus”. Anduin this, Alleria that, yet no one ever remembers the OG, the “Green Jesus”.

Blizzard itself acknowledged that the Horde was favoured in Cataclysm. This is factual. I don’t know how you can deny it.

“When you’re accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression.”


My man it’s been 14 years


But you see, all it takes is a mention and they’re back. So I have sympathy for Erevien :slight_smile:

Don’t care, Thrall was the Main Character of Cataclysm, meanwhile there’s never been an expansion with an Alliance Main Character. TWW doesn’t have a Main Character but an ensemble cast of protagonists.

Thrall/Green Jesus remains the most wanked character in the entire Warcraft franchise.

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The main character should be the player.

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I don’t. He takes himself too seriously on a side forum for a fantasy MMO.

I’m just a fox and I do fox things. Like melt down paladins for scrap metal to sell to the Qalashi!

But for real I worry for him because it can’t be a happy life, posting multiple thousands of argumentative replies as some kind of… lore underdog.


I sometimes forget cata was 14 yrs ago, it’s how little I think about that expansion until someone brings it up

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And the sons of Lothar are the protagonists of TWW. It’s obvious.

I see people make this point a lot. Magic helped cause the invasion of the legion, they were selfish not to give it up. Which I won’t comment on, but what people always seem to forget here is that arcane practices are a corner stone of High elf culture. This is a very big deal. We’re talking about making people erode their own cultural heritage.

If the rolls were reserved would we ask the trolls to give up their cannibalism, their worship of the loa? The settling of Quel’thalas by the high elves is a very complicated story where both sides are equally to blame for things spiraling so out of control. The real answer here is that there is no good side or bad side. Both parties are equally to blame and both sides are equally justified in their actions. This is actual morally grey story telling.

EDIT: Ah, and the whole they COULD have given up their magic practices is an irrelevant point to make anyway. They didn’t. The fact is that they were refugees.


This includes you, so like…Have fun dying. The forums will certainly be more peaceful.

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No one was forced to leave. Not being able to consume drugs is Not political orpression.

The high elves were literally banished by malfurion. But believe what you want

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Magic is the foundation of the Highborne Empire. Literally. We see in Legion that Suramar and the surrounding towns, as well as the major roads, were all founded on ley-lines. We even visit some underground facilities built around said ley-lines in the Suramar region. For instance, “Elor’shan” and “Ley Station Moonfall”.

People still don’t get it, Magic is the foundation of the Highborne civilization, you can’t just expect everyone to drop it like Malfurion and his followers did. (They were not Highborne btw)

It is not a coincidence that the High Elves first travelled to Lordaeron, then to Quel’Danas, both places of immense magical power, sitting atop a convergence of ley-lines.

These people expect the High Elves to just drop everything they’ve ever believed in… why don’t we reverse the roles and make the Amani drop their cannibalism and superstitious Loa worship?

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They weren’t. They summoned a storm of magic that almost destroyed ashenvale. Stop spreading high elf propaganda.

They were than banished by malfurion

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