The Amani are, infact, the good guys

Not out of sacred land they stole.


Ymiron declaring the killing of all humans occurred 15k years ago as shown in the quest Anguish of Nifflevar.
The vrykul only started sending them away because they wished to save their children which again would be 15k years ago when they would otherwise be killed. Nothing in your post give a specific date for the origin of humans that contradict this.
The Aqir-troll war occurred 16k years ago as seen in chronicle as well as explained in vol’dun, and the in game book the twin empires and ends with the establishment of Zul’aman by the Amani tribe, roughly one thousand years before the vrykul start sending their malformed children to tirisfal.

It is not debatable that the trolls lived in what’s now eastern kingdoms before the arrival of humans from northrend.


Understanding the afterlife sorting criteria used by a being who can read your entire life story and ALSO knows your actual intentions for every deed therein is a bit… much to ask for.


All the events are listed before Chapter 1 Ancient Kalimdor begins, in which the trolls are mentioned for the first time. Since the Vyrkuls needed countless Eons to degenerate into humans, this is also a time period. There is no mention of trolls or chronology, but we do know when the history of ancient Kalimdor began. The Empire of Zul has its origins 16,000 years ago.

And only after the war against the Aqir were the Amani in Tirisfal, so definitely after the year 16,000. And we know something else: we know that 20,000 years ago Tyr disappeared at the end of the book to take care of the problems in Ulduar, we know how that ended and what it resulted in. So there is still a time difference of 4000 years.

And that’s just the lore we know, I’m pretty sure we’ll learn more about that in the next addons, especially the last titan.

Quel’Danas/Silvermoon was as sacred to the Trolls as it was to the Elves. They erected their civilization on a nexus of ley-lines, which carry Arcane energy which is the very foundation of Highborne civilization. As we saw in Legion, the very heartland of the Highborne Empire was founded on precious ley-lines. As a civilization founded on the use of Arcane magic, ley-lines were absolutely necessary for the High Elves to thrive.

Are the Trolls the only race allowed to consider certain locations “sacred”?

Again, at no point does the topic of the Amani ever come up in SL. Kael’thas is obviously in Revendreth for what he did in TBC, not for anything involving the Amani. I don’t see the point of bringing up the Amani in relation to Kael’thas in SL as they are obviously irrelevant to his story arc.

it is indeed a debate if they were there before the vyrkul lived there and i highly doubt that the trolls arrived there first, we know vyrkul lived in the northern kalimdor lands long before and we know the lands the amani claimed belonged toward northern kalimdor.

i don´t speak about Kael’Thas…i only mentioned him in regards to the statement of doness…

I’d be surprised if Anasterian didn’t spend a while in Revendreth.

… not for defending the kingdom he inherited against the forest trolls trying to kill all his people, but for his extremely poor conduct during and after War 2.

And what does this have to do with humans predating trolls in tirisfal? We have a date of 15k years ago of Ymiron declaring death to humans, so humans arriving in tirisfal must have occurred in less than 15k years, we also know that the troll aqir war occurred a millenia before.

That got nothing to do with the humans though, as I showed the vrykul that’s ancestral to humans didn’t live in tirisfal before. They were sent there after.
At no point are the tirisfal vrykul mentioned to have mixed or become human, it’s simply said they died.
And for the humans it’s simply said the descendants of the malformed dragonflayer vrykul became humanity, once again no mention of other vrykul tribes.
The Tyr vrykul do predate the Amani trolls in tirisfal though, however they lived in tirisfal and not the greater northern EK area from what we know, so that’s still a lot of area that the trolls claimed that the current humans and elves have taken from them.

It’s not unreasonable that other trolls lived in the area even pre Tyr vrykul though.
After all Tyr knew what trolls were even before his death, and trolls had even spread to the dragon isles that long ago in time, and they’re stated to be even more established south of the islands. The dragon isles are quite close to northern EK. if we now count adjacent groups of the same species or ancestor species as giving claim to areas.


Your logic is just so bad. Anyone can decide that any land that doesn’t belong to them is sacred. We learn in the Goblin Starting zone “By Goblin law, all Kaja’mite belongs to the Goblins,” which is also a bad. Obviously your claim is more legitimate if you actually are the indigenous inhabitants of the land.


I do not think he would of gone to Ravendreth. His misdeeds do not rank him to end up in that place. There are lesser realms of reform that would likely suit him.

Tirisfal has long been a home of the Vyrkul, as even Chronicles has said, so long in fact that it became a legend for the other tribes, which I was even able to prove with a quote. Vyrkul have lived in Tirisfal much longer than any troll has ever lived. And we know that the mutated Vyrkul babies that were brought there weren’t even human…it may be that humans emerged as a species later, but their ancestors, and thus their habitat, is far older than trolls ever lived there.

The matter is simple, Anduin Lothar died and no one was left to uphold the ancient oath because the Arathi bloodline was wiped out with Lothar’s death. If Lothar survived, I doubt Anasterian would have left the Alliance. Blood oaths ARE important.

It will be interesting to see if Silvermoon remembers their blood oath once the Arathor Empire comes into play later down the line.

The “indigenous inhabitants” of the land are the forces of N’Zoth, as per Chronicles Volume I. The Amani originate from Zandalar.

Technically the elementals predate all of them if we’re going that route


Dragons came from elementals, ergo all land belongs to dragons.

Giv all your lands.



Maybe. Some of the sinstones do imply intent is factored into the Arbiter’s sentencing, and for all his flaws he did have good intentions. Still, he entered the Shadowlands in the same state Uther did, so he’s probably not having a great time wherever he ended up.

Someone else gets it :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s such a stupid argument to even have

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the only reason the amani had that land was because they had the power to claim it, the second someone stronger appeared and took it from them, they no longer had it…the same would´ve happened if someone stronger arrived at the doorsteps of the thalassian elves and beat them…and indeed that happened aswell.

As you’ve been told, he wasn’t around back then., so he doen’t fit what I’m talking about.

K why aren’t they?

You don’t even know what that word means.

Lol, you mean making no attempt to fix his peoples’ injustices committed and still benefitting from them.


Because conquest is not a sin in the parameter the shadowlands use to weight someone sins. The motivation behind a conquest could be a sin.

For example: YOu conquest in order to stop the killing of your people…and in order to do so must conquest a part of a mountain to create a natural barier, then conquest is not a sin, but if you use it because you hate certain races and want them to suffer, then that motivation would be a sin.

and as far as i know…claiming power by itself is not a sin either in the shadowlands…why are we even talking about the shadowlands right now?