The Amani are, infact, the good guys

So, why post on a Blood Elf, rather than a good old fashioned Orc Warrior?


The Amani deserve nothing, even the other Trolls have abandoned the fools to their fate. Darkspear hate them as much as Blood elves do, Revantusk view their former brothers as traitors to the Horde and the Zandalari actively seek the Horde’s aid in keeping them quiet in Zul’dazar.
If they want to survive, they need to stop suicide charging against the Horde


Trying to apply direct comparisons between reality and fiction (especially very goofy, rule of cool fiction where gameplay is the most important thing) is inevitably going to come off as a little insulting to both the nuances of reality and whatever nuance is in the fictional setting.

Especially if you’re doing so primarily to sieze the moral high ground and dismiss anyone who disagrees as a racist.

Thaaaat’s just my opinion though.


Oh good hope we get to kill the Amani in a new Za raid for a third mount

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Would be alliance bias really.

That’s no excuse for racist writing.

No, it’s trying to respect the irl cultures involved.

These are just created by the writers.


My dude those troll tribes are based on actual existing native empires from mesoamerica. The absoloute least of respecte given would be not using them as knockoff villain any time Blizzard is looking for new loot pinatas. Your so holy medieval fantasy kingdom was never touched btw cuz all MHPs would cope on suicide watch.

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Blizz took inspiration, and I use that term extremely loosely, for the trolls from Mesoamerican tribes. They aren’t a 1:1 comparison. Not even remotely. They barely resemble any real life peoples we know of.

Unless you actually believe all natives all violent and territorial cannibals who murder everyone on sight. Which is an ugly take to have.


That’s what they’re stereotyped as.


Now you understand why those tropes are bad and need to stop.

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no justice no peace

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It’s an ugly stereotype that all forms of media have been doing for decades now. It’s slowly getting better, but there’s a lot to do about it. Biggest thing people can do is call it out for what it is

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It is impossible to ignore when the actual human culture we see are just generic fantasy kingdoms modeles with european castles.

They’re a pastiche of things, and saying that they’re literally the same is rather reductive.

Look, there’s a lot of messy writing and godawful stereotypes that went into trolls. No one is going to deny that. However, they are not and were never intended as a direct correlation to reality (the lack of research alone makes that pretty clear), and treating them as such in an effort to shut down conversation about what a fictional species who are written rather broadly should do is not particularly helpful.


Having a monster in a videogame being violent territorial cannibal and then pointing to it and saying to a native person “This is you” is racist.


Which was the point of my post he responded to

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Sorry but this is Blizzard way of using native tribes. It’s painfully obvious using it as bad guy caricature. Especially when the playable humans are 100% medieval european kingdoms.

Looking at trolls, which are cannibalistic and hyper territorial and then saying to native people “They clearly based this off of you ,isn’t that terrible” is extremely racist dude.

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No Blizzard’s doing Interviews all the time explaining it where they took their inspiration. Warcraft is the one Fantasy franchise with the most boring and generic humans you can find in the whole genre

It’s psychotic to pretend that Trolls aren’t heavily based on real cultures. Blizzard didn’t invent the word “Loa.” Bwomsamdi’s influences are crystal-clear. The accent is the accent. Their art and architecture are grounded in reality, albeit with a cartoonish slant. So much of Troll culture screams African/Afro-Caribbean that it takes a titanic level of willful ignorance to pretend they aren’t clearly intended to mirror real cultures.

The fact they’re also often depicted as violent cannibals doesn’t make all of that go away, it just taints it.