The Amani are, infact, the good guys

The alliance fans want to be orpressed so they do alot of mental gymnastics why it was justified to genocide all the races modeled after minority cultures from IRL. All while playing a male human paladin of course.

Tell that to native players.

Oh forget it, I saw your likes in a different thread. There’s no point in a discussion here.

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The thread should have ended here, like seriously


I often wonder if half these people ever ran into a native person with a reasonable outlook on WoW.

But than again, those people would probably be accused of not being native enough for their opinions to count.

Strange world we live in man. Very strange


I hate to make assumptions but
yeah have to agree

As someone part of an organization that very actively fights against real-life racism, abuse, harassment,injustice, etc its just no comparison to what you find in WoW.
Does some on WoW’s writing skeeve me out? You bet, but in the greater scheme of things I would rather help minorities in the real world. These arguments here are just


As long as the actual playable humans follow the same pattern as average fanatsy kingdom all other races especially monster ones take actual real life cultures their coding from. That is a fact no matter how you spin it.

Saying “It’s complicated” isn’t as satisfying as saying “You’re racist!” “No, you’re racist!”, though.


If everyone is a racist, than wouldn’t that mean nobody is actually racist?

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Some of the story notes Bliz picked when they went with the details for trolls are quite racist. Some of them are not. Some are sort of odd.

Also, they don’t have long tails with a pompom on the end, so they’re not really proper trolls. Harumph.

But this is also the company that gave us the “wyvern” that really seems to be a chimera or a manticore. And the chimera that has two heads and flies.


I think we both know some folks here have co-opted the language specifically to troll or agitate folks further, and there are those who have a genuine understanding and know when to call someone or something out.


Hahah, fair enough. The usual suspects, as it were.

I do agree that the Amani are more sympathetic than the narrative has really portrayed them, and have some very real grievances and wrongs done to them that deserve redressing. BC did them dirty, besides giving us arguably the greatest raid cinematic (or at least voice line).


Mind you, I’m not saying the Amani don’t deserve a better written story, they do. Just pointing out the habit of some people labelling everyone they disagree with a racist


And even some of the majorly problematic portrayals are “fine” if they’re written by outside observers who do not know the full cultural depth or commonality of something. They can be easily retconned in-game as ‘prejudiced/racist outsiders who took a single observation/2nd hand story/assumption and blanketed an entire people with it’ while out of game providing a statement and apology for using such depictions as fact rather than cautionary tale while providing more depth and detail to, in this case, the Amani.

It turns it from a, lets be honest, racist and colonial depiction of a in game nation based upon Caribbean peoples as in game “fact” to a lesson while simultaneously blemishing otherwise “perfect” or “civilized” people. Which brings me back, partially, to some of my earlier points, nothing happens in a vacuum.


There’s genuinely some awkwardness with trolls where Bliz both wants to treat them as a “monster” race you plow through in handfuls for 3 gold and a new pair of pants like harpies, gnolls or quillboars, but they’re inherently more sympathetic to us the player because we
 you know
 play as them.

For a bit there was even more awkwardness where the Darkspear were portrayed as “one of the good ones”, which

They’ve gotten better at handling trolls, but this has never been a company or franchise known for exhaustive research. They’ve actually been getting better – partially because of my location and friend circle, the tuskaar stood out as surprisingly good in taking inspiration without being a direct corollary or hideously tone deaf.


I think we’ve all seen the improvements over time, which are appreciated. If I remember right, pretty sure they called in some folks when they were working on the Tuskaar. Shows that yeah, they are getting better.

Always room for improvement of course and I suppose we’ll see what they do with the Darkspear heritage quest. If it will be in depth as the orcs, or as shallow as the night elves. Some of that critique is they do very well when introducing someone or something new, but often forget about the things that have already been created or used, hardly ever revisiting them. So I have some small faith in the future with the Amani, but I’m certainly not going to hold my breath.

I will painfully laugh if in Midnight, or at any future time, we get the wrap up of a quest line returning to a Darkspear, Revantusk, or Zandalari quest giver and all the Amani get is a plaque in the center of Silvermoon stating something like, “Here were the ancient revered grounds of the Amani. Generations ago our Highborne founders settled this location, displacing the Amani. We now promise to do better, and acknowledge their place here before us” and our poor quest giver can do nothing but shake their head and give a ‘If this is all they can do, we still have a long way to go. They really don’t understand, do they? Thanks for trying’ and walks off.

Whatever dev can sneak that little social commentary in deserves a raise, or at least a personal union rep so they’re not suddenly let go for ‘down sizing.’


Or have grass, stone, dirt, roots, leaves
 you know some of the other stuff trolls have been described as having in the past.

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The Amani savages owned nothing and have never owned anything. All of the land and all of its people were the property of the Amani Chief or Warlord.

They were defeated by another group of savages with hot chicks and a greater capacity for violence. In other words 

Trolls own Azeroth and it’s time to put the humans who stole it into their place.

Elementals you mean. Y’all are being soo silly

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Ironic coming from a Blood Elf :dracthyr_tea: