The alternative to sharding: Patience

so your telling me that sharding is going to work differently in classic then retail?
that’s funny because they worked exactly the same in the demo
furthermore classic is being built on the retail client.
so yeah.

the fact that you somehow think sharding is going to be different in classic then it is in retail is laughable at best.


So a temporary shard in low level zones (what they said) vs permanent is the same thing?

I’m telling you that you can’t say it will because nobody has experienced it. I don’t believe you even read what you type.

i’m telling you that until blizzard comes out and actually outlines what they mean when they say that they might use sharding for a limited time that i will CONTINUE TO MAKE SURE THEY UNDERSTAND WE DONT WANT IT AND IT BETTER BE VERY LIMITED.
because the fact is that we have people who have asked for
permanent sharding
sharding for the first few months in all zones.
sharding in all non contested zones for the first few months.
shard events like AQ launch.
so until blizzard actually comes out and tells us what they plan for sharding i will continue to make sure they understand that many of us view it as cancerous and that any of the above is awful.

my goal is to CONTAIN sharding to the following
levels 1 -> 10 zones only.
first 2 weeks maximum. only.

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I find it slightly worrisome they didn’t mention sharding in the demo until players figured it out. Perhaps they didn’t think players would care, perhaps they tried to slip it through. But in any event, it doesn’t inspire a lot of confidence when they didn’t say beforehand that demo servers would be sharded.


“A temporary shard in low level zones (what they said)”?

Did you miss them saying " “One of the tenets of Classic WoW is none of the cross-server realms and different [server] sharding options that we have available to us today.”

In what Bizarro world does “NONE” equate to “temporary”?

furthermore. as fesz said, if they understand that we are against CRZ and all that jazz, why did they not mention ahead of time that the demo would have sharding?

at this point blizzard should be forthright and honest to a fault so we understand what is going on because a lot of us are tired of the shady underhanded going into damage control after we find out they aren’t being honest.

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When you say “we” I assume you mean you and your classic police brethren. You know the same handful of people that like each and every one of your nonsense post (because very few others do). If I’m honest I would say you are a vocal minority here. You are entitled to your opinions and I respect your tenacity but your preachy posts and attitude get a little annoying after a while, especially when you try to peddle your opinions as facts.

In what Bizarro world does “NONE” equate to “temporary”?

actually from what i can see the majority seem to be against sharding at all but understand that it will probably be needed at launch due to the tourists.
and guess what? when they made a thread asking about peoples thoughts on sharding, that was where the majority stood. that sharding was terrible for classic but they at least understood it was needed at launch. so no. it’s not just me and a small vocal minority.

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I have no clue what you are talking about. So convenient you showed up!

blizzard said when they were talking about making classic that they understood classic fans did not want cross realm tech, sharding, phasing or anything of that nature. that they were basically about as anti vanill and anti community as it can get.

so his question is - in what world has none of that all of a sudden become “use sharding but temporarily?”

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Ive never said I wanted it past launch (go and search my posts!). I just dont toss out my opinion as facts. I actually deliver them with actually documentation.

Because Ion said they wanted to use it?

and my question is - what makes you assume i am in the minority?
my whole point is - my goal is to make sure blizzard stays true to that “use sharding only at launch, in starter zones, for a limited time.”

because frankly, we have had people ask for
sharding up to contested zones for a few months.
sharding in all zones for a few months.
and sharding permanently.

my goal is to make sure blizzard understands that those aren’t acceptable.

Ion also said that those types of techs are anti vanilla and wouldn’t be included in vanilla.
so can you maybe understand why i have very little trust with blizzard when it comes to sharding?

Allow me to repeat myself, as well as you:

“A temporary shard in low level zones (what they said)”? You apparently want us to take “temporary shard in low level zones” as Gospel because that is “what they said”.

First, they never specified “low level zones”. They mentioned Valley of Trials and Elwynn, but never actually said 'low level zones", "starting areas, “Starting zones”, or even put any limits on the extent of sharding. They said “time limited”, but never difinitively defined that time limit, either.

Secondly, did you miss them saying " “One of the tenets of Classic WoW is none of the cross-server realms and different [server] sharding options that we have available to us today.” They sure kept their word, didn’t they.

In what Bizarro world does “NONE” equate to “temporary”?

They specifically said cross realm tech. Same realm sharding is a different thing and something that a lot of people confuse with cross realm and phasing.

let us put it in a list of order for him

  1. When announcing that they are making classic blizzard said that “One of the tenets of Classic WoW is none of the cross-server realms and different [server] sharding options that we have available to us today.”
  2. The demo goes live. the Demo has sharding and blizzard never said anything.
  3. the Community gets upset about the sharding in the demo
  4. Blizzard goes into damage control, saying that sharding is useful for high population situations, and will likely be used at launch as well as in the demo.

so yeah.

sharding is still anti community and thus about as anti vanilla as it gets. stop condoning lies of omission.

‘…but Brack says they’re committed to recreating an authentic Vanilla World of Warcraft experience. “One of the tenets of Classic WoW is none of the cross-server realms and different [server] sharding options that we have available to us today. There’s a lot of desire on part of the community that this is something that they don’t want.”’

He specifically mentioned sharding.

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