The alternative to sharding: Patience

You are confident that there will be some form of no-sharding server? Amazing to me! I mean I am the first to admit that so many of the issues discussed on this forum are driven by conjecture and no-change passion. Given a preponderance of the what official statements are available, sharding is coming. I refuse to be blind and I support #manageexpectations. Lore’s “official” quote is below. You can argue all you want about it, but it was put into the nether and exists.

"As you’ve noticed, the Classic Demo does have realm sharding. This is to let as many people as possible experience it without technical issues such as server capacity or spawn density getting in the way.

Longer term, we know how crucial it is to the Classic experience for you to see your friends when you walk into Stormwind or when you’re helping them on a quest you’ve already completed. And there should only ever be one Kazzak on a realm, no matter how many people are waiting for him to spawn.

We’re still looking at how we can best deliver an authentic Classic experience at launch, and in the weeks and months that follow - both in terms of gameplay and community. You won’t see phasing (which is tied to specific quests that don’t exist in Classic) or cross-realm zones (which combine multiple realms together) in Classic. However, realm sharding is one of the best tools we have to keep realms stable when hundreds of players are swarming the same initial few zones and killing the same few mobs (like they will be at the launch of Classic). To that end, we do believe that some form of sharding may be helpful, especially in those early days. But we recognize that a cohesive world is critical to WoW Classic and are committed to bringing that to you."

edit: I meant to post on Whiskee, your favorite truth-bringer

I meant to post on this toon, per usual. I don’t hide behind alts as you can tell because Whisqey has only 1 post.

edit: This is the important part of the quote above:

However, realm sharding is one of the best tools we have to keep realms stable when hundreds of players are swarming the same initial few zones and killing the same few mobs (like they will be at the launch of Classic). To that end, we do believe that some form of sharding may be helpful

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im down. as long as its temporary (like the first week, three tops) and you are sharded with only your server. Maybe something like warmode where in one of the menus we have a button between hakkar 1 or hakkar 2. Then remove it once the population evens out.

Itll be a good PR move too. Years from now (assuming we havent all burnt to the ground yet) We will here the chants…Blackrock had 10 shards at launch bro. We the champs

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Lol! I chuckled at this, thanks!

i like this idea too.

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I think a separate sub would be a great idea to weed out some of the tourists (at leasts the buggers that come on just to troll and be a ‘insert not allowed apparently expletive here’), but I also don’t see too much of a problem with tourists overall (the non-trolly ones) sure we want the community to thrive and be stable but allowing people to see what all the fuss is about concerning Classic especally those who never played or who were nay-sayers (as I once was). They can come to understand that the game truly is different and just a bit of a better taste for us. Maybe some will convert and join us on our adventures :slight_smile:

As for sharding, I’m inclined to trust the Devs a bit on this one when they say this is only for the first few release days for the starting zones. I don’t like it, but I’m glad it’s temporary and that they seem to understand why it would not work going forward in Classic. It ain’t a perfect situation, but I think it’s being handled well :slight_smile:

You know some of the servers are still going to be unstable around launch anyway, right?

Sharding isn’t a magical “fix-all” for server instability or crashes.

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clearly they don’t remember BFA going live…

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If a server ran in a Russian basement can handle 15k on launch… I’d venture to say blizzard can pull it off. Too bad blizzard isn’t blizzard and activisoon will do whatever I can to save a penny


Yeah, some servers weren’t playable for days. Couldn’t even get to the character screens.

Perhaps you can group with other people you don’t know and make some friends. That would change your tune really fast.

You may even come to enjoy playing world of warcraft in a real guild and actual raiding with people.


this. sharding is unnecessary.


Sharding if allowed will be game wide permanently.

We cannot allow it at all or it will never leave.

Tech is exponentially better now than it was, sharding is only a cost cutting measure so they can do the same “character screen lobby and no actual home server” play they did to current wow.

PS. Are they going to shard the log in server too or do we all queue up for that at launch?

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I’m noticing a pattern here, the hard core players want the first come first serve type of play, but the rest just want to play. Blizzard will chose the everyone wants to play. And besides, it wont effect you after two weeks, or it might. And you might be the ones raging at the end of the day cause you can’t progress to the end game that you want to rush anyways.

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Your contention is that people against sharding want to rush to the endgame?

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Yes, in fact, you say that people wont play long anyways once they see how hard it was, so at the end of the day, I’m ok with sharding on release. It wont effect your goal of doing end game, well, might not be you, but there’s quite a few that want end game as fast as possible.

And I would say those people who want to rush to max level are in favor of sharding, not against it.

I was just trying to follow your line of reasoning that those asking for slower leveling, for grouping up, for putting social interaction above convenience actually somehow want the exact opposite of that. That they want to rush through the content. Because I don’t see a correlation.


Yes it is worse, think about it. By then I will already be level 60 on my Warrior and there will probably have already been 2 weeks of Molten Core Clears, possibly 3 depending on when resets are vs what day the game is released.

The gold you earn will be worth next to nothing compared to people who have been playing for the month already. People will have monopoly over the Auction house already.

It goes on and on.

Sharding the starting zone lets me get my group of 5 friends together and rolling, assuming that we can actually log into the same server (Population Caps to be advised) and assuming the login servers don’t break (Diablo 3 Error 37).

i am hardly hardcore, nor do i want to rush to end game. that said sharding is still cancerous, still splits up players, and has no place in classic.

and if anything your logic is faulty. wouldn’t the hardcore rush to 60 types actually WANT sharding seeing as it means less competition?


Are you guys still here peddling your opinions off as the word of god?

You’re experience is based off of the retail client. You have admitted numerous times that they are different games. NOBODY has played Classic yet to say one way or the other. I’m fairly certain EVERYONE knows you and your classic police brethren opinion on how classic should be.