The alternative to sharding: Patience

guess that solves that.
so blizzard said no sharding and has since backpedaled to limited sharding.
whats to prevent them from just leaving sharding in except us continually voicing our hatred of it and our willingness to leave over it?

Im well aware of this. But this still doesnt make your opinion of retail vs a game that has yet to launch a fact. Its your opinion.

I get that you dont want sharding but they announced sharding at release to handle populations. They didnt go into further detail so everything you think will happen is speculation.
They gave you a reason why they announced it and the tears still flow. I mean I could catch the flu if I go outside but that doesnt stop me from going outside. Have an oompa loompa already.

Did you miss the words “sharding options”? Or did you just ignore them?

People know the difference between CRZ’s and sharding. That has been explained in depth to you numerous times.

You can keep trying to intentionally misrepresent the opposition to sharding, though, if you think it will further your goals.

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sharding in the demo was the same as sharding in retail.
what makes you think sharding in classic is going to work any differently? (hint, i asked you this question before and you ignored it).

and here is the problem mister oblivious.
what is to prevent them from moving the goal posts again?

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I doubt they will “confirm” sharding outside the first zones for quite a while.

I expect that they will get caught sharding outside the first zones and will make a statement about it being an unintentional bug which they will “fix”, and they will temporarily “fix” the bug.

Then someone else will catch them doing the same thing again, and they will again claim it was an unintentional bug which they will “fix” again, and they will temporarily “fix” the bug again.

This pattern will repeat itself numerous times.

Eventually, once Blizzard thinks enough people are “hooked” on classic or have a substantial amount of time invested and are therefore less likely to quit due to sharding, they may make a statement that sharding is “off by default” but it can and will “kick in” anytime, and ANYWHERE, the population exceeds a given threshold or they think the server load warrants sharding. They will, of course, not tell us what the population threshold is or what constitutes a “server load that warrants sharding”.

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this is exactly what i aim to prevent.

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You seriously can’t be this dense…

h ttps://

Hint I already answered you question, you just dont read or have any critical thinking skills!!

I don’t really care as long as they come up with some way to deal with launch issues. Sharding works as long as it’s done properly as do a number of other solutions, people have whined about all of them though so… there we go.

considering they started with no sharding period
and have since moved to sharding at launch for a limited time only
without giving us any information of what zones will be sharded or what a limited time is.
why should i honestly put ANY FAITH IN BLIZZARDS WORD?
they have already moved the goal posts once.
then they said sharding at launch for a limited time.
so tell me ephemere - if they have already changed their tune once. WHY SHOULD I TAKE THEIR WORD and YOURS for it?
Blizzard already got caught lieing about sharding in classic to begin with.


and that is why we will continue to voice our opinion.
make sure blizzard understands that sharding better be gone fast.

FYI waiting on login queues is a quintessential part of the Classic experience.

It’s precisely why I’m not willing to endure even one minute of sharding in Classic. Already a precedent has been set that they say one thing, then change their mind and alter the deal. I’m not willing to hope they don’t alter it further. But that’s just me.


I think if sharding is tuned properly it won’t matter because it’ll simply stop being used regardless once populations stabilize. For some reason people seem to think sharding means tiny populations in each shard which isn’t the case.

Shards with roughly the same population as what you would expect in a packed vanilla server in starting zones? Sounds fine to me and the shards should stop being needed anyways soon enough.

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no. sharding gone. period. end of discussion. i don’t want AQ to be sharded, i don’t want city raids to be sharded. i don’t want TM vs SS to be sharded. NOTHING.


You shouldnt, you should just learn to deal with it like the rest of us. I get that you don’t trust them but the reality is all of your “feelings” are pure speculation based off of you distrust of things they have done. I understand that because of your experiences you feel x,y, or z could happen. Meanwhile in the real world we can wait to see if x,y, or z happens but just understand what it is.

And that speculation is based on Blizzards already having changed their stance once. thus it is perfectly valid to feel and speculate that way.
furthermore, If other people are allowed to sit here and ask for sharding to be made permanent, sharding to be expanded in duration, etc, i am perfectly free to ask for sharding to continue to be held to a certain threshold,


They told you why they wanted to do it and it has merit. Scroll up to my vanilla launch link and youll know why they even brought it up!


and yet they have still moved the goal posts. nothing prevents them from moving it again.
and if others are allowed to sit here and ask for sharding to be expanded, sharding to be made permanent, i am free to ask for it to be contained.

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