The alternative to sharding: Patience

Yup. Quality of the experience trumps all. I want what BfA can’t provide. To apply the ideals from the Current game to Classic…rather defeats the purpose of this game. I understand why they’re thinking about doing it. But that doesn’t mean I agree with the reasoning.


How were huge queue times and server crashes a good experience?

They were far more vanilla than sharding.

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And? Blizzard is not creating a time machine.

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They’re also a strawman given out by trolls, preying on peoples’ fears.

The time machine comment is also hysterical. Ion literally said their goal with Classic is that someone could have fallen asleep during Vanilla, woken up to play Classic, and not be able to tell the difference.

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Did they not say they were planning to give us an authentic experience?

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And they said they were going to give us a good experience.

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Ziryus will likely never acknowledge that statement because it does not support his agenda.

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For those that actually value the truer Classic experience and are not simply concerned with their own convenience, queues are not bad. Being able to see every other player on the server around you without having to worry about quest mobs, quest objectives, resources and other players appearing or disappearing around you is definitely good.


Well until they realize that they’re playing on completely modern hardware and everything outside of WoW has also aged 14 years. So no the time machine comment is relevant.

Yeah no, I won’t miss queues and multiple days of downtime.

For someone who built a Wall of No based on" what Blizz said", he sure likes to ignore everything they’ve said about Classic. Becoming my favorite phrase…such hypocrisy stems from being guided by a personal bias, rather than common sense and cold, hard facts.

Honest answer, yes, I would much rather deal with long queues for a few weeks or so instead of even one minute of sharding.

I have very little time to play games these days and I would still prefer a queue. I would just attempt to login an hour or so before I could play so when I can, I would be past the queue and could jump in the game.

I played on Illidan for a while back in Vanilla, which I’m sure many of you know was a very populated realm. My queue was around an hour most days. Knowing how queues can be with many people trying to get on, I would still prefer queues because at least once I got in I wouldn’t have to deal with the beyond horrible and community breaking, so called technology of sharding.

I don’t have time right now to go into detail about my personal, horrible experiences in live with sharding. I have went into detail in a number of other threads. But from my personal experience from it over the years, there is a reason I despise it. Give me a queue any day of the week.

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You kidding me? have you seen people REEEEE for just waiting to play the game?

C’mon guys, you KNOW Blizz will never drop sharding.


This is my concern.

You cannot “unring” a bell, but you CAN avoid ringing that bell in the first place.


They are well aware of the danger of opening Pandora’s Box.

What he says about substituting their modern judgment to solve problems from twelve years ago is…precisely what they would be doing if they shard. It’s why I’m confident at the very least we’ll have some kind of no-shard server options.

I just logged onto Stormrage and in Stormwind I counted 102 people just around the bank/AH. Just thought I’d toss that out there for people who think sharding means empty zones, where you’ll never come across another soul.

If each shard in the starting zone in Classic is over 100 people, I think you’ll have plenty of opportunity to have social interactions. In fact, I’d say you’re more likely to have meaningful social interaction with 100 people in the starting zone than you are with 1000. There becomes a point where the spam and the lag combined with the Black Friday Walmart esque- rush and hysteria is going to be a detriment to making new connections.

There’s obviously an ideal level of population and chat activity when talking about creating a community or making friendships e.g., placing even 1,000 active people into a single chat channel will not allow for conversation to happen at all.


or just have a separate sub for Classic


Not sure if I am “pro-sharting”, but as a Panda that eats a lot, it just happens sometimes.