The alternative to sharding: Patience

my frankenpatch idea contains vanilla only content.

blizzard even encouraged such discussion themselves. so stop pretending its not completely valid. know what blizzard hasn’t considered? post vanilla content.


Would frankenpatching out all the class buffs and only keeping the buffs to Paladins be considered Authentic Vanilla? Making every class bow to Paladins, destroying the faction/PvP balance? Making raids extremely difficult for Horde, more so than the Alliance?

You just made a false statement on behalf of Blizzard. You claimed they ban people for asking for changes, this is a disgusting lie and you should check yourself.


Well except for the post vanilla stuff we already know we’re getting.

If you want a game state that never existed in vanilla it doesn’t matter what you want, you don’t want vanilla.

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So sharding is the sole reason that modern wow doesn’t have a community?

backtracking a little here. You have to have one or the other, so which is it?


that’s up to blizzard but my thoughts would be
1.12 talents
pre 1.11 threat.
1.5/1.6 av

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they ban people who are obviously trolling. and how do you tell those? look at the people who are asking for changes. most of them are trolling.

which wasn’t asked for. but hey most of us expected security/bug fixes/accessibility and battle net integration.
what was unexpected was the loot trading.

except blizzard asked us to discuss a potential frankenpatch.

no, but sharding has a negative affect on the community.

its not an absolute lol. star wars kotor and dragon age origins are different games, but contain common elements.

That would be absolutely amazing.

So your basically saying your opinion on sharding in classic is how it will be. Because you just said that its not the sole reason for moderns lack of community and all were talking about here is sharding in classic. Got it.

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opinion? more like fact. Sharding splits players up. this is a fact. splitting up players is about as anti vanilla as it gets.


No they haven’t all they have said is they were open to any discussion on what people want out of classic.

The most definitive answer we’ve gotten is that that they are rolling with 1.12 with time gated content. Not pre 1.12 game play.

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You have no idea what you are talking about. Fact.

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which obviously if they are talking about having 10 man dungeons and old av, despite using 1.12 as the base, would mean something like a frankenpatch.


how do i not?
does sharding split up players? yes it does.
what is a huge positive of classic? community.
does splitting up players make it harder to form a community? yes it does.


You have contradicted yourself so many times already in this thread. Just go actually read the posts!


And? Given what we know they’re changing…

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Twidget tried to use an Inky Black Potion on BfA and claim it was Vanilla in an attempt to promote a lie that Vanilla nights were that dark. He’s a no-changer that was obviously trolling.

Mogar is currently in my water thread, claiming water should be completely opaque because it was that way on the low setting in the Classic demo. I show video evidence from 2006 that almost all the water was transparent and he doesn’t acknowledge it because he wants the Vanilla water to be changed.

There’s plenty more examples of no-changers wanting specific changes because the reality doesn’t align with their desires and continuing to shut down conversation based on a criteria they don’t even fully apply to themselves.


I don’t want to miss out on the fun of a new server, with zones jam packed. That is part of the fun!

If it is sharded, it will be just another normal boring day with just the people in your shard. I want to see the community, even if there is a queue to get in.