The alternative to sharding: Patience

If you combine the 2 together?
For some reason you seem to be thinking I am saying either or

Yet, you are level 120 (obviously a BFA player) and you seem adamant about wanting to ensure that BFA players do not have to make that choice.

Not accusing you of anything, just making an observation.

Never said they did,lol. Just stating that 8.2 would be the only major patch that could hit the Summer time frame which, also assuming they were done with Classic in early Summer.

Then why the opposition to launch day the same day as a major content patch? It surely isn’t because of the date the way they release stuff now it could be hammered out in plenty of time to launch the 2 together

No it actually doesn’t if the number you reduce doesn’t fix the real issue.

I really don’t care about making a ‘choice’, just would rather have a solution that actually would have more than marginal effect on more than just the smallest player source.

Yes im 120, so what? take a look at my achievements, the last thing I am worried about is falling behind,lol.

So they release Classic and 8.2 late August or early September.

I would not be surprised if 8.2 were ready to be released by late July or early August, though. I’m not saying it will, but I would not be surprised if it was.

I don’t know why you keep saying it’s the smallest player source. It’s everyone who’s part of the overlap of BfA and Classic players, which is the vast majority of people. Specifically, the majority of the so-called Tourists that Ion himself singled out as the reason sharding is even being considered.

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Because it ONLY targets the smallest player source and would have a very minimal effect, better to focus on solutions that target everyone. If they did it, meh, they do it.

Actually any reduction helps, even if you wish to deny that.

For someone who claims they are not dead set on seeing the totally anithtetical to vanilla technology of sharding used in Classic, you seem to be awfully opposed to any suggestion that would help alleviate or reduce that initial rush.

Because its the truth? Former and non players vastly outnumber current players, and no Ion did not say current players are the majority of Tourists.

about every 3ish months, maybe 4, not 8, actually let me look that up,lol

Yah they are not going to make people go until September to fly

No one ever said that had to be the ONLY option they used.

IMO, there is no reason why it cannot be one of the options used., though.

They should look into different options, yes. They should not simply dismiss something that could help alleviate or reduce that initial surge simply because someone thinks the effect would not be large enough on its own.

His answer in the QnA is directly talking about BfA players who just want to check it out, see what the fuss is about. He’s speaking of BfA tourists.

And I don’t agree with your assertion anyway. Sure, some players will only play BfA. Some players will only play Classic. But most players will play both games. They’ll focus on one or the other, of course. The percentages will vary wildly person to person. But they’ll dabble in both. They’ll go back and forth. That’ll be the majority of players. It’s a shared sub. Of course it’ll work out that way.

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Fair enough and true, just the problem with it is going to be that there is no major patch, well 8.3 but 8.2 would have been the one that would have the most impact.

It really doesn’t if the idea is to remove the need for some kind of help for the initial launch.

Does removing some BFA players on BFA patch day and Classic launch day completely remove the need for something to make launch day not suck(sharding or whatever)?

No it isnt’t he just said people, not Bfa players.

You should as it is 100% true, former players and non players are a much larger player source than current players.

The majority being BFA players?

I agree that 8.2 would likely have a huge impact. Would it have the most impact? That would depend upon what 8.3 brings.

That said, we do not know yet when 8.2 or Classic will be released. Blizzard could release both in late June or early July.

They could also release 8.2 in late May, followed by Classic and 8.3 in late August or early September.

They could release 8.2 in late May followed by Classic in mid July, then 8.3 late August.

We do not know what their release schedule is.

I just think that any means to reduce and alleviate that initial surge and reducing the need for "population control"is worth trying.

It’s not 100% true. Once Classic launches then both groups are just players. One sub gets you two games. You honestly think the majority of players won’t play both, at least in some capacity?

I could see plenty of die hard Classic fanatics playing BfA just to farm gold to buy tokens. That way they don’t have to pay any real money at all

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Where did I ever say that releasing Classic and a major BFA content patch would completely remove the need for “population control”?

It would likely reduce the need for “population control”, though. That is the goal, even if it is not the ultimate goal, is it not?

For someone who claims they are not dead set on seeing the totally anithtetical to vanilla technology of sharding used in Classic, you seem to be awfully opposed to any suggestion that would help alleviate or reduce that initial rush.