The Alliance of Azeroth is the successor to the Alliance of Lordaeron

Please stop vandalizing this thread


So anyway, are people willing to discuss this topic or not?!

This is a topic about PRAISING the Human kingdoms. Why is no one talking about this?!

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You posted in the wrong toon, Blom.

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Yea, the alliance kingdom who gladly invites planet destroyers in their ranks and then complains about the horde

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And we didn’t even talk about Stormwind House of Nobles… who made one of the worst injustices World of Warcraft ever saw till this day.

The same House of Nobles that put Turalyon in charge now.


“We’re old fashioned, all our atrocities have been committed under the banner of the Horde like god intended”

They literally waged two wars to stop them. What are you even talking about. :rofl:

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“he was the lord commander and he was privy to information you didn’t know, so it was not genocide or racism”



That’s why the Eredar and Elves are in your faction?

Cuz you fought 2 wars to stop them?

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Where did I say this lmao? This aint game of thrones.

The Eredar and Elves never destroyed any planet.

I will not indulge any further silly ao3 fan-fiction.

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wanders on to front porch of farm and sees to to human males yelling about this being a part of the Alliance

Felguard I thought I told you to put out the human male repellent.
What do you mean it is bad for the crops?! How are we going to get rid of these guys.
No, we can’t just kill them and feed them to pigs. What if the pigs get sick?
I guess we could pay someone to get rid of them but who?

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


do you mean the Nelves or the Man’ari? (honorable mention to the mechagnomes and their “kill all fleshies” device they were perfecting)


“Garithos send elves to their deaths because he despises them? No, he had intel that outsiders weren’t privy to.”

-Blom, 2024


So night elves didn’t blow up Azeroth and the Legion never destroyed any planets

More reason why I shouldn’t read your garbage fanfic logic

M’lord misquotes me.

Also sending soldiers on a mission isn’t genocide.
Genociding Draenei and turning their bones into a road is.

Sending to a death mission a whole contingent you disdain, and only them.
Do you want to argue how many needs to die before it is considered genocide?

Do you KNOW what genocide is?

Genocide is the intentional destruction of a national, ethnic, racial, or religious group, in whole or in part

Garithos, racist alliance leader, sent elves ONLY, to a death mission he knows they wouldn’t succeed, not even accomplish nothing.

By succeeding and sawing he got help of the NAGA, he was even more racist and imprisoned them because he didn’t know what Nagas were and didn’t want to reason with them, so sentenced them to death.

What a great lord commander of the Great alliance of Blom.


The fact you use this as a counterpoint to make yourself feel better about the complete and utter genocide of the Draenei really shows how far apart the factions are on the villainy meter.

I agree with Blom, Garrithos really exemplifies the core morality and principles of the Alliance.