The Alliance of Azeroth is the successor to the Alliance of Lordaeron

Which point I am countering?

This is my point which I have made first. I am not countering any point, you are.

Don’t let Blom knows there is a Warcraft 3 campaign that Garithos succeeds and wins.
He will go crazy.

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Destruction by willing participants of alliance races?

All good!

Destruction by enslaved horde races? Evil and beyond redemption

Summary of these thread


Attempted destruction of dozens/hundreds of Elves? Evil and beyond redemption.

Actual destruction of over a million Draenei? All good!

The difference here is that the Orcs were being manipulated by Kil’Jaeden into doing that, even into drinking demonic blood.

The alliance did what they did many times under their own volition.

And your continuous revitalization without taking responsibility for their actions just shows that you’re more than ok with what they did and how they did it.


It’s almost like you’re presenting a wildly skewed perspective that oft times wanders dangerously close to drunk grandpa starting a rant at thanks giving.

Trolls took that land from the Qiraji. Trolls are also disgusting colonizers.

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Nothing is ever the Orcs fault, they’re just easily manipulated I guess.

What’s the excuse for WoD? Manipulated again right?

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Facts. The Troll colonizers established their empires on the bones of the Aqir natives.


You grossly miscalculate what Theramore was. Theramore was the remnants of the Alliance kingdoms decimated by the Plague. It was the largest human population center in the western hemisphere of Azeroth.

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I mean, he absolutely exemplifies the principals of blom and Var that’s for damn sure.


Taking morality advice from people who defend Theramore, Teldrassil, and the Path of Glory is rich.

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Won’t someone think of the poor old god worshipping bug people who long for the deaths and/or enslavement of the other races?

This truly shows how little you know the lore.

Theramore was a major port city and the most martial Alliance settlement on the mainland.

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We talking about Trolls or Orcs here?

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It was also a heavily militarized port that was a major point of incursion for Alliance forces into horde territory and dangerously close to the capital of the horde.

Not gonna lie, I’m really tempted to answer "Human male paladins’.

This is commonly called Schizophrenia.

Sucks they broke a treaty they had and started killing horde so they were a military target

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The trolls were caught in the aftermath of the fall of the Black Empire.
But I’m assuming you’re here defending the black empire interests right?

Well, for the first time you actually got it correct. I’m impressed that you were capable of a rational thought after all.

Can you please elaborate more your question? I’m concerned with ending prematurely your attempt to prove a point.

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