The Alliance of Azeroth is the successor to the Alliance of Lordaeron

Wouldn’t that be Illidan?

You’re causing me a headache.

The Sundering was a cataclysmic event that reshaped Azeroth approximately 10,000 years ago at the end of the War of the Ancients. This event was caused by Queen Azshara, who created a portal for Sargeras in the Well of Eternity. The unstable vortex within the Well’s depths exploded and ignited a catastrophic chain of events that would sunder the world forever.

Key Events Leading to the Sundering

  1. Queen Azshara created a portal for Sargeras in the Well of Eternity.
  2. Malfurion Stormrage led his forces to destroy the Well, causing an unstable vortex to explode.
  3. The explosion rocked the temple to its foundations, sending massive quakes through the earth.
  4. The surging Well of Eternity buckled in upon itself and collapsed, causing the landmass of Kalimdor to be blasted apart.

OP: Alliance of Lordaeron
Comments: Night Elves and Draenei

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That’s because your OP has been finished, you lost the argument 40 posts ago


Why do I even read your posts when you just lie about the lore constantly lmao


You’re a masochist like the rest of us?


Lying means he knows the lore, so this is him just being nonsensical and making this up as it fits his needs.


You just ignored it and keep changing the topic with your alt.

The Alliance of Azeroth is the successor to the Alliance of Lordaeron.
The Horde is the successor to the old Horde.


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Horde players always derail every thread! Every single thread it’s always the same story, and always the same playerbase that derails it!

Since I’m done indulging ao3 fan-fiction, I’ll bring this thread back to the roots.

So anyway, most of the old Alliance kingdoms are thriving in the current age.

  • Stormwind is the largest/richest/most beautiful/most important city on Azeroth, the bastion of the Holy Faith, as well as the capital of the only superpower in the world (the Grand Alliance).

  • Boralus is the second largest/richest/most beautiful/most important city on Azeroth, as well as the base for the world’s strongest and largest fleet. It is Boralus that is patrolling the high seas, hunting down pirates and ensuring that world trade can flourish and prosper.

  • Stromgarde is a fortified gateway into the northern kingdoms and a central position of power in the East.

  • Gilneas is once again a strong nation, with a strong tie to the Uncrowned, a shadowy order of assassins and informants who have caused the very fall of kingdoms in the past.

  • Now that Princess Calia Menethil and Archbishop Alonsus Faol occupy high positions in the Forsaken ranks, it is only a matter of time until the lost flock of Lordaeron is brought back into the Allied fold.

  • Not a single tear will be lost for Alterac. A treacherous kingdom, of thieves, thugs, and bandits. May the golden lion forever mock this pathetic ruined and trampled country.

Meanwhile, all of the original Orcish Horde clans are wrecked, irrelevant, or straight-up extinct. :grin:


Which alt am I posting and changing?


Not actually

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Also the same person:


Who’s my alt?

Edit why did I get notified of that lol


I mean my account is wide open so you can easily see it’s not connected to me

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And yet, earlier today, you people accused Me of being the alt of OP, even though I am clearly European account, while OP is US account.

Dishonesty, dishonesty everywhere.

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Where did I say you were his alt?

I’d love to see the message of that

Wait, so I went back in time and made Malgorok my alt.

Blom+valdoroc are reaching hard.

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Don’t jest. You know what you did.

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No, show it

You’re making the claim, back it up

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