The Alliance of Azeroth is the successor to the Alliance of Lordaeron

So… if you treasure something you impale it with a giant sword?



Sargeras wanted to get to Azeroth so he could burn it to ash because of the world soul growing within it. The Highborne were so drunk on power they didn’t care as long as they could get more power.

Litterally no one under his command questioned or challenged his authority so as far as I can tell the rest of the humans were fine with this.

“A single human sending elves on a mission with a low chance of success is worse than the Horde genociding Draenei and invading another planet to genocide them too.”

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Sargeras loved Azeroth.

You really need to learn the lore. Start by reading the Sceptre of Sargeras backstory.

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Never thought from this perspective.

Garithos had experienced Knights under his command. Even paladins of the Silver Hand.
I guess they were all bigots like him too.

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I guess the art team should’ve put old Sargy in a white tank top t-shirt.


It seems that your concept of love is a bit twisted.
You don’t impale someone you love with a sword.


I am interested in continuing the conversation about why the Draenei deserved to be genocided, that was a hot take.

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Man remember when the night elves brought the Legion to Azeroth and when the Eredar (Draenei) destroyed and enslaved countless world’s?

Orcs being mean was way worse


Considering what he did at the end of Legion that some twisted love.


Definitely should’ve made him do Ricardo Milos dance for Azeroth.


Eredar are draenei in the same way that Nelves are trolls.

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See, it’s not even neccesarily that they were as a whole bigots so much as it was that none of them cared enough to say anything. Which in a way makes it worse and also much more realistic.


Draenei are a faction of Eredar. Not all Eredar are Draenei, but all Draenei are Eredar.


It actually was.

The Night Elves brought the Legion to Azeroth under the belief that the Legion would grant them the power to achieve their ambitions of perfection and order.

The Eredar joined the Legion under the belief that Sargeras, the Great Titan, would give them the ultimate knowledge, as well as the belief that they could not stop Sargeras and the Void.

The orcs joined the Legion out of petty blood-lust/zug zug warmongering.

The orcs are more evil than the Highborne and Eredar.



The Draenei ARE the Eredar. They just called themselves Draenei, the exiled ones, but they are in essence the same as the Eredar.

The Eredar who became corrupted by demon power became known as demonic eredar or Man’ari, who by the way just joined the alliance.

A group of Trolls who settled close to the well of eternity began to change of the course of centuries and became the Kaeldorei, that is, the well of eternity changed them, evolving.

These are two different things.


It’s also really screwed up considering that Azeroth is technically an embryo.

Better call the cosmic version of Chris Hanson to catch this predator!


Trolls caused the sundering.

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