The Alliance of Azeroth is the successor to the Alliance of Lordaeron

One of the clans that attacked the Draenei first?

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If the commander sends them on that mission because he states, very clearly, they are inferior like even Dwarves. So he sent them to a death mission because Garithos was resentful with elves leaving the alliance in early years, his home got destroyed in the Second War because the elves chose to not answer the call to arms to fight the Orcs.

He also believed the alliance should’ve never accepted the dwarves in first place, and as result, he treated them poorly. He would put them in menial tasks, such as guardin areas while his men moved elsewhere.

So, how longer are you going to compare Garithos with Abraham Lincoln or continue to defend the actions of a already known and established racist character in the game?


Nelves too. Built a world spanning empire driving the troll races (along with all other non-nelves) to the fringes and destroying their civilizations.

And many living Nelves were happy cogs in that system until the WOTA.


knowing blom’s comments on other issues he might be trying to dog on Lincoln tbh


I never noticed the fly on his forehead during the “OH MY GOOOOOODDDDD” before…

It somehow just adds to the hilarity of the scene for me.


One of the clans that was manipulated into thinking the Draenei had unleashed a bioweapon against them and the only cure was their blood.

Three guesses who told them that and who made them sick in the first place.


I’m not defending Garithos, he collaborated with the Undead and it cost him his life.

I’m saying that sending soldiers on a mission with a low chance of success but the opportunity to save the rest of the Army is the burden of being a commander.


They didn’t “destroy” their civilization. They were allowed to keep their lands and worship their false and heathen idols by Queen Azshara’s grace.


You’re defending him by making this argument.

He sent ONLY ELVES and DWARVES to their deaths. He didn’t send his human soldiers.


He was the commander and had knowledge that we as outsiders weren’t privy to.

The fact that you harp on this so much as being a disgrace to the Alliance when the counterpoint is Horde committing literal genocide really proves my point.

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I’m actually so tired of Troll fangirls acting like Queen Azshara was a villain.

Azshara and the Highborne CRUSHED the Trolls during war, but they did not conquer them. They did not even impose the Worship of the Moon Goddess, Elune, on them.

They allowed them to continue their lives in their huts and worship their frogs and bats and spiders (LMAO).

Queen Azshara and the Kaldorei Empire were humanitarian civilization.


You say this but then you also say:


I like how the thing you find objectionable about Garithos was him working with Sylvanas to take down the last remaining independent dreadlord in lordaeron.

Also when said commander is consistently being openly racist and threatens them with genocide because they accepted aid from a neutral third party to avoid defeat (to say nothing of how not doing so would only have lead to their destruction) you don’t really have a leg to stand on, particularly when this “needs of the many to save the few” thing would only have strengthend the scourge.

That you continue to defend this man tells me you’re about as sharp as a marble or the kind of person who unironically says “heritage not hate.”


The Night Elves were the most xenophobic race in the world of Warcraft history.
No wonder you admire them like that.


Yeah, calling Queen Azshara and the Kaldorei Empire ‘humanitarian’ is, uh… :rofl:


This is literal genocide.

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This shows how you little you know the lore. It’s not “xenophobic” if it’s a fact.

The Night Elves FACTUALLY were the greatest race at the time. They alone controlled the very lifeblood and heart of the world, no one else could compare. They crushed the Trolls with ease.

They WERE superior by birth-right.

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Not even close but if the worst thing the Alliance has done in your eyes is telling soldiers to go fight the enemy then it really proves my point in that the Alliance has nothing to be ashamed of.

Horde commits genocide, Horde invades other planets and tries to commit genocide again.

Alliance tells soldiers to fight the enemy, Alliance places enemy combatants in POW camps.

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I was a bit tempted to ask him to make note about a certain austrian-german leader during the second war…

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So now your moral rule is based on how bad one side was vs the other side.
Not the fact about what they did and why they did.

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