The Alliance of Azeroth is the successor to the Alliance of Lordaeron

The Orcs were under the influence of the demon blood and manipulations of Kil’Jaeden and the Burning Legion. If you hold the Horde accountable for that then Anduin deserves death penalty which means the Kingdom of Stormwind bloodline is ENDED.

It is an argument in bad faith. The story of Wow is the Story of Warcraft.
You could say that no Warchief died while we are playing wow but the alliance King has died.

Who cares, it wasn’t the horde who killed him. Died because he was weak and sucked, became dust and was consumed by Gul’dan.


Horde were going to invade Azeroth either way, as shown in WoD.

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Let’s be fair here. The Alliance took the actions it did against Quel’thalas because Quel’thalas supported the single largest mass-murder event on the history of Azeroth when it used a magic nuke to wipe Theramore off the map and kill every man, woman and child in the city. After this act, Jaina got SO ANGRY that she was willing to go straight to Dalaran and put the people who did it IN JAIL, and then the Blood Elves were inconsolable that mass murder might result in being locked up, and for years afterward considered themselves the victims.

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when you think about it, Llane Wrynn is directly responsible for both his father and son dying when he forced Medivh to go on his little “punish the savages for fighting back when we colonize their lands” trip.

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I was talking more about how the alliance commander in power, Lord Garithos sent the whole group of Elves to their deaths in a mission, but since you wanted to talk about the Purge of Dalaran (which I hadn’t mentioned because it was under the "old allinace).

No, Quel’Thalas didn’t do that.
In fact it was a single Blood Elf, which if you play the scenario as horde you would know.

The Sunreavers were included in the defense of Theramore, which was mobilized by Rhonin.

Get better arguments for that, bro.

She killed innocents. Civilians. Get your facts straight.
And the argument was them AIDING stealing the divine bell, not theramore. lmao.

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No points for partial answers, The Iron horde was formed because Garrosh fed them a skewed narrative about how they’d be enslaved by the people of azeroth if they didn’t act first.


And our sweet, sweet curse of flesh they slapped on just before we left the dealership. the most deviant of all clear coats!

TIL Abraham Lincoln tried to genocide the Union Army.

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Orcs are objectively the most intrusive and destructive colonizers in the Warcraft universe, but they’re not European-coded so nobody cares. :upside_down_face:

Your knowledge of American Story is as bad as yours about Warcraft.


Snap, so they did multiple warcrimes??

Weird, because if you knew Warcraft History you would know that the humans drove the Trolls away from their land.

Troll land.

Troll land they fought against the Qiraj and Nerubians for centuries lol.


kinda crazy you say this when Garrosh outright let the city evacuate first lmao.

Llane having Medivh nuke the Gurubashi capital, the nuking of the Amani in the troll wars, Arthas rolling into Loraedon and/or Silvermoon, etc.

Tons of individual events were more lethal than some fringe naval base in the swamp getting nuked after given time to evacuate.


That’s what you just said though?

If a commander sends his troops on a mission with a low chance of success it’s attempted genocide according to you.

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Dwarves too. Woke up in an entirely uninhabited region, then walked through a lush verdant region, also uninhabited. Didn’t stop until they found a frozen already-inhabited area and immediately decided to settle down there and push out the locals.

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I missed it then, but where did Hence mention genocide?

It is not about what I say, it is about what you say.
With exception of your alt, no one agrees with you here. And you can’t find sources to support your wild claims so you start making nonsensical arguments to try to prove a point, which never happens, and ends up with your malding and seething towards everyone while your posts get flagged.

Arguing with you is like playing chess with a pigeon.

The pigeon will walk over the board, knocking the pieces out and crapping in the board, and will squeak and whistle with their chest so inflated and laughing at the other side.


I’m pretty sure humans still take the cake in this regard.

Worst thing the Horde has done:
Genocide Draenei
Invade other planets and attempt to genocide the natives

Worst thing the Alliance has done:
Imprison the invading aliens who tried to genocide them instead of killing them like they should have.


Strictly speaking not the horde. Also they were responding to the draenei exterminating one of the clans.