The Alliance of Azeroth is the successor to the Alliance of Lordaeron

this is so false it hruts my soul

You play a race that literally gives their soul to a frog and a bat. :rofl:

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Based actually.

But ad hominins donā€™t make your point any less wrong.

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So a few things: what Iā€™m doing is speculation which is taking a best guess at the outcome of events based on the canon information that we have which at the moment is that in the event of a siege by a ruthlessly immoral opponent commanding a transfinite number of troops that didnā€™t have to deal with any supply and/or morale issues Ironforge would be functionally screwed.

As to the tram, in order for it to be the glorious silver bullet you seem to think it is it would have to somehow be unknown to the alliance of lordaeron (which begs the question of how and why you would keep a massive building project under wraps from your allies) and would thus be known to the scourge who could ~once again~

  • Double siege (which I outlined in my post that scared you so much with all itā€™s words.)
  • Simply tunneling through the rock (and potentially collapsing the roof thereby crushing the dwarves.
  • Pouring plague into the vents to gas the dwarves to death
  • penetrating into the tram in order to back door both cities.
  • breaching the glass in order to flood the tram tunnel and make it functionally blocked for the living at leastā€¦ the undead not needing to breathe would be free to turn this into a one way breaching path.

As to fanfiction: That would be what Blom routinely posts with things like ā€œGarithos did nothing wrongā€ despite how every source tells he was just a racist idiot.


Itā€™s only fanfiction when it offends him and blom sempai.

Snivelling insults are the last option for the defeated

Yeah I mean this isnā€™t really an opinion either. Iā€™m pretty sure heā€™s even called racist in-game.

I canā€™t stress enough, no one playing any faction was ever supposed to like Garithos.


The Wiki straight up refers to him as a xenophobe.

But the thing with Garithos was that I actually appreciated his addition to the TFT; that expansion was about muddying up the waters and making it clear that the factions were less good guys and bad guys so much asā€¦ people. This grey outlook in it gave us a much more nuanced outlook on the setting that allowed us to engage in discussion and debate as opposed to the puerile crap that Blom longs for.


Canon lore that it is the opinion of a certain group of people prone to bias and are not knowledgeable of the entirety of Azeroths landmass yes.

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Actually the greatest kingdom was height of the Kalā€™dorei who controlled the vast majority of the planet for thousands of years.

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It is disputable actually.

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He said are, not was.

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Alliance is the successor to the Alliance of Lordaeron but that means Horde is the successor to the Old Horde.

Horde have written songs about their mass slaughter of the Quilchildren. They have holidays based around it.

Thatā€™s not how factions and government works tho.

Youā€™re mistaken lad, thatā€™s a Horde city :smiley:

Neutral City

Aight, you can have that one ā€“ Thatā€™s fair. :person_shrugging:

If the Horde is guilty of orcs under the sway & infulence of demons ā€“ Simply because there are orcs in the Horde, then by all intents and purposes:

The Alliance win the ā€˜genocide trophyā€™ with being the sickest & purest evil vile faction throughout the cosmos

ā€” Because they have the Draenei, whoā€™s people kickstarted the Legion :smiley:
And given Kilā€™Jaeden orchestrated the orcs corruption, I suppose you could wager all their sins falls on the Alliance too :thinking:

That is, going by that logic ā€¦ :joy:

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Meanwhile, in reality, the Horde is an abomination who commits atrocities in the name of the Horde with the full consent of its leadership and rank and file.

The Eredar who were part of the Burning Legion were not Alliance. They didnā€™t even know what the Alliance was. Tell yourself whatever you need to assuage your guilt though.



The orcs did that under the sway of demon blood, which we already discussed ā€“ but you say it like itā€™s the entirety of the Horde today. lol

  • As for Teldrassil (as Iā€™m sure youā€™ll bring it up) ā€” Not all the leaders were present, and they were rather displeased to mass proportions with how the events turned out. Nor did they do it purely for the sake of enjoyment.

But as for Shattrath and the events unfolded whilst bound to the Legion? No, lol

Cool, so you have two options:

  1. Admit the orcish Horde who were part of the Burning Legion were not todays Horde.

or ā€¦

  1. Acknowledge youā€™re a hypocrite. :smiley:

:person_shrugging: Ideally you could have the hidden third option thatā€™s both, but personally Iā€™d suggest to take the first option ā€¦

I donā€™t know if itā€™s because Iā€™m not using bold text and copious amount of emojis but you have a hard time understanding.

The orcs committed their crimes while part of the Horde, the Draenei have never done anything that could remotely be considered a crime while part of the Alliance.

Not all Orcs drank the blood. Look at their leader, Doomhammer.