The Alliance of Azeroth is the successor to the Alliance of Lordaeron

Wait there are people who try to argue the Alliance from WC2 and the Alliance from WoW are different? It’s the same one, just under new management after Lordaeron was wiped out. It wasn’t a regime change, just the leadership reins went to another member. At least the argument for the Horde is decent since it was effectively disbanded until Thrall remade it and was enemies of the other remnants of the Old Horde (Rend, Kargath, etc.). Plus Thrall’s Horde had hippy-peace values in it which wasn’t like the Old Horde, even before the demon blood.

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No. Lordaeron is rubble and remains in enemy hands.

It is imperative that the Alliance retakes Lordaeron and Silvermoon so that territory may rejoin the Alliance.


The Forsaken are Lordaeron.

The Forsaken are the ones that locked up the Orcs and tried to genocide the Sin’dorei. While the ignorant Sin’dorei came crawling back to the Forsaken and Orcs and begged to be genocided even harder.

Yes, but most did.

You gonna stand there and tell an army of mass proportions “No” when you know they could slaughter you, your family and potentially have their warlocks use your bodies as fuel after death?

… or would you do what Doomhammer did, biding your time for when the time was right to dissemble their intentions and bring your people to a better future? Because that’s precisely what he did. It’s heavily referenced that Doomhammer was no fan of Gul’dan.

  • After the initial actions of Gul’dan, most orcs simply had to press on with the masses in order to survive & endure.
  • Doomhammer had misjudged Gul’dan and reaped the consequences he thought would had played out differently.
  • Doomhammer had reluctantly accepted the aid of Gul’dan far later, but not without reason – as he considered his hand forced, for the survival of his people.
  • The majority of those who were uncorrupted or did not drink the demon ‘The mag’har’ — Were those who were plagued by the red pox & quarantined; ultimately resulting in them staying in Nagrand as a bastion of recovery and did not step through the dark portal.

Apart from Durotan and Ogrim Doomhammer (and those who were plagued) — had drank the Demon Blood.

In terms of the orcs as a people – They were bound & subjected to the Legion’s will, power and held hostage to its wrath.

That’s debatable. There was never a percentage given on how many Orcs drank the blood. If you have a references giving that percentage, I’d be happy to hear it.

No it’s literally NOT debatable.

It’s straight up canon.
Heck, it’s been wide-spread common knowledge for YEARS now …

  • As for reference, there’s a straight up book detailing that the mass majority drank – and only a select few refused to drink: Rise of the Horde – Written by Christie Golden.

Besides Ogrim and Durotan — Each and every single clan, save except the Frostwolf Clan and a handful of significantly small numbers from other various clans who were sick with the red-pox in quarantine - Had drank the demon blood.

Interesting. That’s one of the books I don’t have. Can you give me an exact quote from the book stating that “the mass majority drank”??