The Alliance of Azeroth is the successor to the Alliance of Lordaeron

Yuh even more unclear after the Sylvanas book where apparently Sylvanas seeks him out finding him as nothing but a mindless ghoul and through the magic of love or somethin he regains his freewill and mind.

A large part of why Ironforge is so defensible is because it’s in the middle of a mountain that can be sealed off from the outside world. Potential attackers would have to consider the money, manpower, resources and food they would need to hold a position outside the mountain long enough to breach the gate, which would be astronomical given the thickness of the walls and the surrounding environment.

The Scourge doesn’t have the same need for upkeep as a living army does. It also has Nerubians, who are incredibly proficient at tunneling through rock.


This guy has clearly never heard about the Deeprun Tram.

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So is the current logic the scourge would have somehow just not killed everyone else later on

Or that Garithos, the guy with 0 charisma or intelligence, would somehow convince the entire army of recently freed undead to follow him and show them how to stop Arthas’s influence from getting them again?

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It also assumes that it can be supplied indefinitely by Stormwind via the tram.

However, as I pointed out the scourge could conceivably attack both capitals simultaneously and there’s good reason to suspect that neither has significant reserves of food due to being “siege proof”.

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As if it’s even in his character or in the cards for the scope of his writing. He’s just a cartoon villain. An atrocious caricature of racism and patriotism, never meant to be taken seriously.


What guy do you speak of?

Well considering that Tram wouldn’t of existed till after the Alliance was formed and the Gnomes became buddy’s with Humans and Dwarves it would not save them early on and later with an Army led by Arthas well Nerubians exist.

The guy who somehow thought the entire forsaken would just go “alright bye” with Sylvanas leading them after they beat that dreadlord


The tram already existed around the time of the Beyond the Dark Portal novel, after the Second War. Read the lore.

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I’m under the assumption that this hypothetical scenario is taking place during WC3:TFT, since it’s during a period where the Scourge was actively running rampant, which means the Tram doesn’t exist yet if I’m not mistaken.

In any case, I’m not sure that changes much since the city could still be tunneled into.


It began construction under Magni’s advice as part of expediting reconstruction efforts.

Under the Alliance of Lordaeron. As of the time you’re talking about, the Tram was still a tin-can representation on a table in Gnomeregan.

Which to my knowledge is still there, as a fun easter egg.


Cool I’m not a walking encyclopaedia on WoW lore and even then the Tram is no guaranteed solution both are very big cities supplying both would be no small feat and Stormwind isn’t that fortified so if it was attacked it would fall and open up a new route for the Scourge too attack Ironforge from.

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Then it stands to reason that Arthas and the scourge would have been aware of it and a couple of options present themselves:

  1. Double siege (which I outlined in my post that scared you so much with all it’s words.)
  2. Simply tunneling through the rock (and potentially collapsing the roof thereby crushing the dwarves.
  3. Pouring plague into the vents to gas the dwarves to death
  4. penetrating into the tram in order to back door both cities.
  5. breaching the glass in order to flood the tram tunnel and make it functionally blocked*

*for the living; the scourge likely don’t need to breathe for the most part and could thus combine 4 and 5.


Again, the tram was already a thing described in Beyond the Dark Portal.

I’m done indulging silly fan-fiction.

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Thank god.

While you’re leaving everyone alone finally, please look up patch .1 of the beta.


Like heres the part that he’s missing: If the scourge was able to push up on either city then it’s pretty much game since the scourge can functionally maintain a siege forever whereas the defenders are going to need to deal with a plethora of issues including food, manpower, morale a persistent need to prevent new and innovative methods of breeching by the enemy…


And I and others have pointed out how the tram can be as much of a problem as it is an advantage.

Though I’m guessing that if you’re really

We won’t be seeing you post new threads or in Blom’s threads?


You are fan-fiction, I uphold the Canon lore. Someone has to. For instance, it is the Canon lore that Stormwind and Ironforge are the greatest kingdoms in the world, and no silly mudhut or skeleton army is going to bring them down.

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I thought you were done indulging in fanfiction? I hate liars, man.

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Lol excuse me?

Think you mean neutral.

But I do agree that the alliance of azeroth should pay reperations to the forsaken.

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