The Alliance of Azeroth is the successor to the Alliance of Lordaeron

It’s just following the logical course of events based on the information we have available.

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Without Sylvanas there would be no Forsaken.


At least as we know 'em, yeah.

Someone else would have rallied them

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Without Sylvanas the forsaken never get off the ground and he continues to send men off on suicidee missions until he is either too weak to deal with a counter offensive or he flees back across the thandol span, his retreat slowed by how laden with offal his trousers were.

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That’s pure fanfiction.

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This entire digression is fanfiction.

Give me a name of an individual who would have been in a position to do this in place of sylvanas.

Most likely a Dreadlord

Above if any like know a Dreadlord did lead a contingent of Forsaken in a coup against Lady Sylvanas during the events of WotLK and in the book Sylvanas it’s suggested that his scheme may of been in the works long before then.

No, it’s the most logical course of events based on what we know about the relevent characters present at that time.

And everything we know about Garithos boils down to him being a racist, incompetent commander who got his position of Grand marshal by virute of the fact that he was the highest ranking officer left after Arthas broke the alliance over his knee like bane did to batman.

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Dagren the Orcslayer, Magroth the Defender, Halahk the Lifebringer or any other number of people.

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None of which are known Forsaken

Oh also all of them are Human Paladins so…

Could you please complete your sentence as to what thesee obscure characters could have done?

Aside from getting whooped by arthas apparently?

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Nothing as Arthas didn’t rise all his Victims into undeath cough Uther.

Also one of them apparently survived, went to work for Kul tiras and then got Whooped by Rexxar, Chen and Rohkan (Aka “team chad bro”)

I like to imagine he was on the recieving end of the Dudley boys 3D.

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Yup like just named a bunch of Human Paladins who happened to be around at the time only one of which is confirmed to have been killed by Frostmourne from what I can find.

None of them are Forsaken and Paladins are more kill now ask questions later when it come to Undead.

It’s also worth noting that it’s incredibly unclear what makes a forsaken… a forsaken. Like we know it has something to do with their will power but there have been plenty of priests, warriors, paladins and mages who presumably would have been strong willed that remained scourge while there are innkeepers, tailors and farmers who broke free.

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Not to be a pedant, but isn’t Dagren just a warrior? (I could just google it, but I like to put my weaknesses on display.)

He was a level 6 paladin in WC3 apparently.

Also apparently it’s possible that the Chad Bro’s didn’t whoop him but rather that a group of naga wandering around in the area dumpster him.

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I must be confusing him with someone else from Warcraft 2, then. Apologies.

That or he was in both and changed, that’s possible too. I’ll google it later when I’m feeling less lazy :dracthyr_crylaugh: