The Alliance of Azeroth is the successor to the Alliance of Lordaeron

If you’d read anything else I had written about her you’d know I’m not.

That’s your fourth time making this… ‘joke.’

Oooouuughh haha you smell like burned city.


It’s not meant as a joke.

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Yes, I’m sure you genuinely smell me, a human being, through the computer… and that I smell like something related to the race my Shaman is.

You’re creepy, you know that?


You wreak of desperation.


No, I mean, it’s not a joke or a prank that the caravans burned. They indeed burned, and the Vulpera traders with them. :grin:

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…Yes, but you’re trying to make a joke about it.

I obviously don’t smell like burning caravan right now, and even if I did it isn’t relevant to the conversation.

I really shouldn’t have to explain this to an adult, do you pay your sub?


Based on their commentary I’m unconvinced they’re actually an adult.


Talkin like the stereotypical edgelord 12 year old.

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Also, as an adendum; in the scenario I outlined Things get a lot more interesting for theramore; It’s entirely possible that with the eastern kingdoms collapsing there would be a second exodus to kalimdor with that city growing signifigantly and with it Jaina’s clout.

In all due liklihood she and thrall have a peaceful relationship with the refugees being made aware that they are under no circumstances to antagonize the horde and given that Theramaore is the only game in town this is a peace that would be enforced.

Furthermore, with the diminished concerns over horde/alliance conflict in the face of multiple catastrophe’s and bigger threats, it’s possible that Theramore and it’s populace actually joins the horde as a constituent member, taking the place of the forsaken in this timeline.

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It’s more a case of inferring that millenials are somehow a preceding generation.

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Nice bit of fanfiction here but it has no basis in reality.

The thing about butterfly effects is you can have no way of knowing what would happen.
We’d just as likely get lasting peace on Azeroth.

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Except we can follow the logical course of events based on the information we have available.

And that information tells us that Sylvanas through cunning and guile was able to defeat the dreadlords and thus decapitate the scourge remanant’s leadership and that that combined with the Forsaken acting as a bullwork against them prevented them from spreading long enough for everyone else to get there crap together for a counter offensive.

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Classic Blom. “All fanfiction but mine is bad.”

Ofc it’s fanfiction, it’s trying to piece together what would happen if your friend priest’s fanfiction of Sylvanas not existing came true.


Like it’s less fanfiction then it is me trying to guess at how things would pan out long term for the alliance based on what we know about the setting and the events that would have played out.

It does occur to me that I forgot to mention how Arthas would wind up with Undead demon hunters bound to his service when he wakes up.

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Blom’s going to bog you down in semantics, so it’s best to just admit it’s fanfiction under his minion’s fanfiction premise.



I’m an accomplished enough linguist that I can bury the crap out of them in this regard if I so choose :dracthyr_tea:


Without Sylvanas Garithos would have successfully manipulated the Forsaken into working with him and sent them on a suicide mission to kill the Lich King disguised as members of the scourge.

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Speaking of fanfiction.

You do know Garithos is meant to be a goofy, irredeemable villain, right?

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