The Alliance of Azeroth is the successor to the Alliance of Lordaeron

They killed not just the Quilboar but the Quilwomen and Quilchildren too.

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Yes I am death does not free one from the sins of their forefathers nor those they made in life.

Just said otherwise so :dracthyr_tea:

I mean clearly not as I just proved.

The Forsaken are not corpses though are they? The Forsaken are Undead yes but they are not mindless being by definition a sentient lifeform but also are capable of communication and free thought.

Like you have pointed out that hey not all these Horde races have a clean history either but you ruin any sense of credibility with these kinds of statements.

It’s also worth noting that without the forsaken the dwarves, elves and gnomes would likely have been pretty much obliterated by the Trinity of dreadlords and their scourge forces; the only group that had a hope in hell of standing up to them at that point was the Amani and Zul’jin wouldn’t have given two craps about humans, dwarves and gnomes getting slaughtered down south.

Hell, I ran the numbers a while back about what it looks like if sylvanas is never a thing back in BFA and let’s just say that it get’s super bleak for the players; the alliance is a vestigal memory, the horde barely exists and it’s pretty much a three way brawl between the old gods, the scourge and the legion.

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“Ironforge, the city that has never fallen to outside forces in the history of its existence would have fallen to the scourge.”

Citation needed.

Silvermoon unlike Ironforge had literally unpenetratable defences in the form of magic barriers which even held the Orcs and Forest trolls at bay when they attacked yet once one single traitor managed to shut them down the High Elves could do nothing to stop the Scourge no defences or armies could stop them.

Ironforge would inevitably fall to the scourge with every single fallen soldier adding to the army of mindless undead it would be a battle of attrition that the Dwarves would inevitably lose no matter how mighty their defences.


He only attacked Quelthelas to get to the Sunwell.

I appreciate your fanfic though.

Yes and if he did not fall atop Icecrown he would of conquered all of Azeroth with her Greatest Champions leading his Armies.

However this ignores the fact that the Scourge was no minor threat even without Arthas directly leading them in person you do know why the Gilneans built the Wall and released the Worgen yes?



Lets run with my “sylvanas is never a thing timeline”.

Without sylvanas, the Dreadlords are able to roll over pretty much everything north of the Thandol span aside from possibly the amani nation; They’d already shattered Lordaeron and by all accounts that was the strongest human nation on azeroth and then Quelthalas which would have been the #2, so I don’t see the wild hammers, gilneas, ogres or whatever’s left of stromgarde or alterac being able to credibly fight them.

With the dead of half the eastern kingdoms at their disposal the Trinity probe the thandol span but it becomes apparent that the bridge is a chokepoint and until the southern nations can be distracted there is no point in pressing it. Still though, this gives the Trinity time to reinforce and upgrade their forces, possibly incorporating these self aware undead into their command structure but for the time being they don’t push out from here.

Now, without the forsaken, the horde effectively has no real interest in the eastern kingdoms since they don’t have any real bases or ties to that side of the world which means they don’t get engaged in anything going on over there, which has the knock on effect of the alliance having less interest in Kalimdor or the night elves which means they never join the alliance. This has the knockdown effect that the alliance winds up dealing with it’s primary threats (Blackrock spire, Zul Gurub, Molten core) by itself and as such it winds up loosing a lot of forces but the ones they do have are really, really good. They’re overall weaker but those handful of troops are pretty elite. Conversely, the horde has an easier time of it and has more troops but with less conflict comes diminished veterancy and thus they’re not at the same level as the alliance. This goes really bad when it comes time to deal with Ahn’qiraj.

It’s worth noting that other things are happening in the background piror to this however; without Sylvanas to weaken him, Arthas is able to reach Northrend considerably stronger and as a result straight up kills illidan before ascending the frozen throne. Thus leaving Kel’thuzad as his second in command… with the corpse of an elite half demon assassin at his feet while a thoroughly deranged Kaelthas flees back to draenor. I’m sure that won’t matter at all in the long run.

The dark portal opens, but nobody really cares enough to do anything about it; for the horde it’s on the opposite side of the planet in a demon infested wasteland and they have enough to deal with in Kalimdor while the alliance is trying to recover from it’s myriad conflicts so outside of some lone individuals, maybe the explorers league there isn’t any real effort put into outlands and as such Kaelthas and Vaush are able to act pretty much unopposed out there, this culminates in the events of Sunstrider aisle and KJ arriving… though at this juncture he’s going to want to wait and assess the situation, assemble his forces and wait for the legion to arrive in force before he does anything.

Things kick off not too long after this. Arthas awakens on his throne and ~having the most familiarity with the eastern kingdoms~ decides to unleash the might of the scourge against it. The Trinity (who depending on who’s writing this given their conflicting lore are either independant, legion loyalists or deep cover spies working for Zovaal) marshal the innumerable undead (including types that never existed in our timeline) and assault the bridge. With this many forces surging across it Magni sounds the alarm and put’s out the call for help from Stormwind which the humans do without hesitation; the dwarves, gnomes and humans lose the bridge, but they’re able to turn the mountain passes into an absolute hell for the scourge in a grinding, attritional conflict.

Things go south in a hurry though, since this assault across the span (while absolutely a threat that had to be dealt with) has forced stormwind to strip it’s defenses in redridge, Westfall and Duskwood to reinforce the dwarves. Which on paper is fine since those regions are pacified at this point… which makes them incredibly vulnerable to a naval assault by Arthas. In the blink of an eye, scourge forces from Northrend land in Westfall and wreck the ever loving hell out of it in their push to stormwind, noting slowing them until they are at the gates of stormwind itself.

This is catastrophic for the alliance since stormwind is ill defended at this point and the human forces can’t justify allowing their capital to fall to save dwarven territory and are forced to fall back and repel the siege. Thanks to the tram this means that they’re able to return in good order… thought this does mean that the scourge is able to push through the mountains into loch modan and then to the edge of Dun morough where the dwarves continue to bleed; they know that the only remaining choke point that they have any prayer of holding before ironforge is under siege is the slope leading up to it and that won’t be enough.

Time goes by, food reserves begin to run low because the eastern kingdoms bread basket is a wasteland. Magic goes screwey due to the machinations of Malygos which hampers both Scourge and Alliance forces but there comes a point where the scourge do fall back. Not because they were beaten (realistically they could have kept fighting the alliance until they ground them to paste) but because Yogg-saron has busted out of his confinement, forcing arthas to recall his forces to deal with the old god (and possibly the Aspect of Magic).

The alliance at this point is in absolutely miserable shape; much of Stormwinds territory is devestated by the scourge while the dwarves have carried the brunt of the fighting and their military barely exists. Both sides are looking to each other for support and not finding the things they need, leading to a strain and questions of whether the alliance serves a purpose given both nations need to priortize their own recovery.

Those questions go out the window when Neltharion re-emrges and causes the elements and Black dragon flgiht to go buck wild. Mercifully, due to their pathetic state of being Deathwing doesn’t notice them as much and directs the majority of his efforts to supporting Yogg and assaulting horde/Kaldorei positions. Theres still enough going on to make everyone miserable though and prevent recovery.

The mists of pandaria may or may not open at this juncture.

Warlords never happens because garrosh never stopped being a sad sack.

Sometime around now the legion arrives and from their strong point on sunstrider isle they launch their assault on the broken aisles, eager to reclaim the titan artifacts and sargeras avatar located there, this might actually be enough to get the old gods (of which we’re probably talking about at least two and their pet Aspect to boot) and Arthas to break off their conflict and deal with the Demons.

By this point, the alliance barely exists; they’re so beaten down that they just don’t have the ability to meaningfully interact with the world outside of their capitals. By comparison the horde is technically stronger but between the demons, old god forces and elementals going nuts all over kalimdor that isn’t sayng much.

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Woah Danuser, slow down, she’s still not going to give it to you as she ain’t real.

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I like how instead of actually responding to how removing one of the NPCs from the setting (and by extention the associated player race) from the game I’m accused of being a sylvie simp.

Truly, you’re mental faculties are a testament to your cause.


You are a Sylvanas simp as you think Azeroth is doomed without Psycho Suevanas.

Lol. Just lol. Such delusions from this playerbase.

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Yup butterfly effect like if Sylvanas wasn’t even born things would be far worse with Alleria dying during her trials to become Ranger General (a title originally destined to be hers by birthright as the eldest of the Windrunner children) as there would be no Sylvanas to in fear and worry disobey her Mother, find Alleria turnt hunter now prey and save her from her target a Springpaw Lynx given the name “Mauler”.

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i call him the forum kirby tree.

…You’re delusional if you think removing her doesn’t change the story.

I hate her as much as anyone, but don’t be an idiot.


No he simply understands the Butterfly Effect where even a small change can result in catastrophe including something as small as the flutering wings of a butterfly.


I already blocked this creature, but this post is sexual harassment and needs to go.

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Impressive how blom supporters manage to make blom look good in comparison

Blom may be well, blom

But at least he’s not that guy


Also based off an out of control rumour that Nathanos is a self insert despite existing since classic WoW personality included all because of one weird creepy twitter post showing off his new model.


Yuh Blom is clearly a troll all rp trying to rile people up these other people though :dracthyr_uwahh_animated:

You smell of charred caravan.

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