The Alliance of Azeroth is the successor to the Alliance of Lordaeron

Yes, cannibal zombie monsters are worse than living human beings, regardless of their ideology. (and Forsaken ideology is worse anyway, they can’t go two seconds without creating a new flesh-eating plague just to see people suffer)

They aren’t humans like you behind the screen are human. If you’re siding with the Scarlet Crusade on those grounds you should genuinely seek therapy.

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That is so racist. I can give countless counterexamples in WoW.

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If you’re siding with living dead, whose natural predisposition is to enjoy causing pain and torture and suffering while cackling maniacally and reveling in it, you’re literally a Saturday morning cartoon villain, and you have no philosophical grounds by which to judge anyone else’s character.

cannibal zombie monster isn’t a race

Yes, they are.

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Yeah, I think you might be taking WoW a bit too seriously. Which is really saying something in this thread of all threads.


I’m sure you can cite this?

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The Alliance of Lordaeron is an Alliance of Human kingdoms the current Alliance is not.

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Warcraft 3 story campaign + WoW Tauren starting zones

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Which absolutely do not depict what you described.

AND lacks context of why the Tauren needed somewhere to flee to.

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…thats not how that works although sure there are plenty of Bri’ish who wish it did.

No you can not blame the entire Alliance for the actions of Humans can still blame the Humans though.

I mean dont we have a toy or something that can do that?

The context is they were too stubborn to reach a political agreement with the centaurs, and too cowardly to fight them to maintain their landholdings.

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Either way the Horde are still chads

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Like the Scarlet Crusaders failed to reach a political agreement with the Forsaken, so true.

You’re a dangerous kind of delusional.


How do you reach a political agreement with a corpse? That’s like reaching a political agreement with a rock (speaking of which, Alliance Shamans were a mistake)

You didn’t need to bother, by this point your “haha gotcha its a monster im so clever” moment wasn’t really a surprise. You’re a cretin.


I’ve…never seen anyone try and mentally cartwheel themselves into making anyone else think that the modern Alliance and Lordaeron Alliance are the same, let alone a Horde player. I’ve seen the opposite a fair share of times though.


Are you also willing to blame the Forsaken?

Ofc not. Hypocrisy everywhere with this side.