The Alliance of Azeroth is the successor to the Alliance of Lordaeron

Agreed…these Blom threads are getting out of hand…now he’s posting on a priest too it feels like to really just go that extra mile to give Horde the finger. Either way…both OP and that priest buddy of his need to touch grass big time.

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“What do you mean people will fight back after I break our treaty and openly supply alliance with soldiers to attack the horde? NOT FAIR”


Varodoc’s only siding with him because he got similarly clowned on. I have none of the aforementioned respect for Vadoroc, he’s a coward.


I have mixed feelings on the Theramore thing… but not the good kind where I think Blizzard made something nuanced. It’s just hard to get a story straight when both sides portray sometimes borderline contradicting events or accounts.

Theramore was a morally bad, but extremely pragmatic action.

Garrosh, even if he wasn’t a villain, would have no real guarantee she wouldn’t attack again. Hell, her first invasion and the Bael modan dwarves were when Thrall was in charge and trying to keep the peace.


Given that I’ve seen them both typing at the same time I’m inclined to think they’re indeed two seperate people.

Who appear to share a brain.

And I’m pretty sure the only reason Varodoc is here is because they got banned from the MMO-C forums after, as far as I can tell, insulting people when people repeatedly explained/gave examples that the Light isn’t a 100% pure good force.

Once their ban over there expires, about 30% of the content in these threads will probably stop, heck, the threads may stop altogether since Blom’s roleplaying would lose its biggest cheerleader.


Theramore was established at nearly the same time as Orgrimmar, by human refugees from the Plague of Undeath from the Eastern Kingdoms. Jaina was given the same guidance from Medivh that Thrall got, to go west to Kalimdor and settle in safety away from the dangers of the east, in order to gather power to fight the looming threat of Archimonde.

If the people of Theramore had tried to resettle in their traditional homeland (Lordaeron) there would be endless screeching on the forums about how they’re displacing the zombies currently squatting in the sewers and committing atrocities on the remaining living humans.

Southern Barrens were Alliance territory and were being encroached upon by Tauren colonizers and their warmongering Orc allies.

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What? Wanna run that one by me again with at least a quote from something resembling a source?

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Source: the Forsaken questing experience

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Because they don’t.

That’s like saying Russia is the same as the Soviet Union.

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You know that the expedition Jaina led was the Lordaeron survivors, right?

And forgive me, I’m not well versed in the Plaguelands, but by at least a 99:1 ratio, remaining living people are Scarlet Crusade, by and large. To my recollection.

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Yes, I literally said that in the post you responded to. You know that Jaina’s expedition was not the entirety of the living population of the kingdom of Lordaeron, right? In particular, there were some farmers left over that had a few issues with the new management after Sylvanas usurped the kingdom.

“People aren’t people if I don’t like them.” Typical Forsaken apologia.

No, I don’t know that. Considering the rest are not from Lordaeron, they’re Silver Hand or Scarlet Crusade, only one of which are having ‘atrocities’ (combat) performed on them by Forsaken. Clarifying; not from Lordaeron by necessity. Without a doubt many members called Lordaeron home, but they are effectively separate bodies.

So unless you can do better than this:

I’m just going to assume you’re conveniently ignoring that Forsaken ARE Lordaeron humans, and the Scarlet Crusade is literally trying to genocide them.


That doesn’t reflect on what the current Forsaken do, and it’s also a result of Afrasiabi wanting an evil Scourge-like Forsaken.


I honestly don’t know how to respond to the idea that the Tauren who had been wandering that part of the world since before human even existed are colonizers of a region the alliance didn’t even know existed 50 years ago.

Just… this is like a whole new level of dumb.

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Lordaeron and Quel’thalas changed to the good guy team, Gilneas, Dalaran and Kul’tiras left the Alliance completely, with Gilneas and Kul’tiras later rejoining. Stromgarde is barely a kingdom as of exploring azeroth and Alterac is fully destroyed.
Stormwind became the capital by process of elimination not by merit

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The Scarlet Crusade ARE Lordaeron humans, the the Forsaken are cannibal zombie monsters.

Tauren were wandering around Desolace, until they cruelly displaced the native Quilboar of the Barrens just to get better land.

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The Scarlet Crusade are ex-Silver Hand.

This does not necessarily mean they are from Lordaeron.

Worse than genocidal religious orders?

I’d argue not. One just looks a little more appealing when you don’t know any better.

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