The Alliance of Azeroth is the successor to the Alliance of Lordaeron

Now this is a moving goalpost.

I see it misused a lot, but this is textbook. I’m growing tired of it already tbh.


Sorry, Blom hasn’t recovered yet by the cleave he took from Slava’gora.

It’s not moving at all.

Trolls are no more native than Humans.

One was made by Wild gods and mutated by titans.
One was made by Titans and mutated by old gods.

Both only exist on Azeroth.

Who are naturally occurring on azeroth

Who were not naturally occurring on azeroth

Gee wonder what the difference is

This is objectively false. There really is no argument that’s valid to be made about it, Trolls are the only mortal thing not designed in some fashion by Titans, Old Gods or Wild Gods.

Only two of which aren’t native to Azeroth themselves, which is why I personally give a pass to Wild God creations. This disputable case is not relevant for Trolls.

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Azeroth didn’t create the Titanforged races. That would be the work of the pantheon who are literally the avatars of other planets.

Wild gods were created by titans.

Tended to. They came about naturally in much the same way Trolls did, and they also exist on Draenor without Titan or World Soul influence. Most likely, anyway. It’s debatable whether the creatures in question from Draenor are actually Wild Gods, but again… none of that is relevant for Trolls.

So y’know. Keep on topic.


As the titan-forgedbegan shaping Azeroth, Keeper Freya wandered the world, creating enclaves of life and nature in the places where the energies of the Well of Eternity had coalesced. The greatest creatures to emerge from Freya’s enclaves were the colossal Wild Gods. Seeing these creatures as her own children, Freya and the Wild Gods often wandered side by side through the primal forests and grasslands of early Azeroth.

I’m so glad you could quote it for my sake. Sounds an awful lot like a gardener, yeah?

Do you think yourself the creator of the Perennials in your garden?

Titans also created the well of eternity.

Humans created smog, butterflies that evolved and flourished with a new color for wing isn’t the humans’ doing.

Causation vs correlation.

Besides, we have explicit wording that insists it only accelerated growth. It didn’t impact its direction at all. (Also the Well of Eternity is just Azeroth’s lifeblood to begin with, but yknow.)


Did anyone actually disputed this fact or are you just throwing random facts as misdirection?

The original Well of Eternity was formed from a great wound in Azeroth’s surface, created when Aman’Thul, the Highfather of the titan Pantheon, ripped the Old God Y’Shaarj from the world’s crust and tore it apart.

Hey if you wanna say ripping her apart means they made her bleed out her essence to make the well


Titans created the well of eternity.

I just want to say, Blom. I admire you. Five threads of being completely and utterly clowned on, and you stick to your guns. I might think little of your intelligence, but I think much of your persistence.


Didn’t your thread get yeeted off the forums?

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Yea, they wounded the planet so badly that they almost killed the soul inside of it and then had to erect magical wards to stop the planet they almost killed from dying

“They made the well of eternity”

A reach even by your logic

Just imagine what he could accomplish if he could direct this towards something useful.

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lol this is so dishonest.

Jaina hit the orcs first. Jaina also had a place to return to if and when Theramore was nuked.

Jaina’s just a big ol crybully that her own firebombing tactics got turned back on her