The Alliance of Azeroth is the successor to the Alliance of Lordaeron

It’s actually not entirely clear where trolls come from; you can speculate that they were created by Loa but it’s not super clear if that was the case.

Trolls are native inhabitants of Azeroth. The Qiraji were spawned by the Old Gods, who are aliens.

They were a natural occurrence accelerated by the well of eternity’s existence.

Neither Freya nor Wild Gods had any direct hand in their coming about.

I love you to space goat :dracthyr_heart:

Dont get worked up over some road work, and a little forest management

Well glad blom admits that the land belongs to Trolls rightfully then are theyre the only thing “created” by the natural creatures on azeroth

Humans are genocidal warmongers confirmed


If accelerated evolution is viable then the land is rightful night elf land.

Aman’thul is indirectly responsible for the evolution of the night elves.

The things that showed up after trolls?


Night elves are an evolution of trolls. They’ve a right to be here, but Trolls aren’t gone yet.

Also Night Elves are artificial in their evolution, so if you’re worked up about outside influence, Trolls still win out.


Night elves are just another troll tribe.

Alright lets follow your logic then, means blood elves are also another troll tribe, which means they rightfully belong on azeroth

Where humans are titan forged creations with old god taint, so you guys are invaders who have regularly attempted to entirely wipe out the original denizens of the planet

Alliance super evil confirmed, thanks blom

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Sure. A reasonable take, honestly.

However, to give you an analogy, I don’t think anyone’s deluded enough to think Americans have a right to the UK’s land.


Well I mean considering who you’re talking to

There’s a possibility…

Fair. But lord I hope not.

Azeroth is a titan.

This isn’t even confirmed. There is (intentionally so) conflicting info on whether or not Azeroth is necessarily detined to be a Titan. All we can say for sure is that Azeroth is a World Soul, whatever that actually entails. We’ll probably learn in the gasp World Soul Saga.

And that at least Baine seems to confirm that Tauren have worshipped her as the Earth Mother. You know, in case you forgot I also think they have more right than you to Azeroth lands.


She’s a soul, not a titan, there is no physical body that we know of

Whether a race was made by a primal god which was mutated by titans or made by titans and then mutated by old gods is really a moot point as they are all native to Azeroth one way or another.

Just look at that goal post fly away