The Alliance of Azeroth is the successor to the Alliance of Lordaeron

I’m sorry, you misspelled “Orgrimmar was a heavily militarized warcamp that was a major point of incursion for the Horde forces into Alliance territory, and dangerously close to the most important Alliance metropolis on Kalimdor.” (taken as a given that the Barrens are Alliance territory, obviously)

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Not all Qiraji are politically aligned with the Black Empire, that’s just just racist. Also, the Black Empire never tried to kill all humans on Azeroth. The Horde did.

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Orcish territory is Draenor. They are trespassers on Kalimdor.

The Forsaken are literal citizens of Lordaeron.

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The rock machine given flesh claims rights to Kalimdor while they inhabit Troll lands. Trolls are owed the EK, Taurens Kalimdor. You’re every bit a trespasser.

Don’t know why I bother to say it, though, at this point I figure you know this, you’re just desperate for RP, but since you’re about as likable as a porcupine’s corpse, you resort to trolling people into softcore RP here.


At least the parts not claimed by the civilized peoples of the Draenei and the Arakkoa.

The dead are not legal citizens of any nation-state. The dead are not people and do not have the rights of people.

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Qiraji lands if you want to be pedantic.

Qiraji aren’t native either.

Aqir, to be specific.

Did you drink from the same Cup as Blomrodoc?

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You can follow that thread as far as you’d like, it never evens out to “native to Azeroth.”

“They are rightful Troll lands”
“You can follow that thread as far as you’d like, but let’s stop at troll”

Man Reid Richards and stretch armstrong got nothing on you with this argument.

The difference between Orgrimarr and Theremore, is that the former was an established capital and was created for the express purpose of avoiding conflict with the alliance; it is functionally as far removed as possible from the humans or their allies as possible.

By comparison, there was nothing preventing Jaina and her people from getting back on their boats after the fact and going back to the eastern kingdoms after the events of WC3; the kingdom of stormwind probably would have benefitted a lot from the addition of manpower.

Had she stayed, the smartest play on her part would have been to maintain a neutral stance with with both the horde and the alliance so that she could continue to try and stave off a hot war between these two powers.

But she didn’t do that. She allowed the alliance to make incursions into horde territory and continue to militarize so it was only a matter of time before either it was attacked or it became a staging ground for a major offensive.

Theramore was ultimately inevitable.

The trolls are the only natives that laid claim to the land.

You can blame me for having an opinion that that gives them a right to it, but there is no defense that reconciles your idea under that premise.

Since I have no clue if you even know why Aqir aren’t native, they spawned, explicitly out of the organic matter of Old Gods.

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So remember, old gods invaded first and took over the elemental lands, titans showed up and murdered the hell out of old gods and left the land alone

Trolls then showed up and took the unused land since the aqir were dead and buried, and the elements were banished by the titans

There was no claim to the lands when trolls took over

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Trolls were created by primal gods and later mutated by the titans.

If gods aren’t a valid origin source then that rules out Trolls too.

Actually, they are (or at least in the context of that conflict they were).

Incorrect again. You’ve got to have less than a 50% winrate on correct calls.

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Horde are a literal dog trash faction and every single one of them is scum

This is 100% canon. They were wildlife created by primal gods that later mutated because of the Well of Eternity which was created by the titans.