The ability to buy runs

You sound a bit defensive about all of this. Boosted players are, 99.9% of the time, terrible at the game. They don’t know the mechanics, don’t know how to interrupt, don’t know how to use utilities/defensives, and don’t know their class.

Boosters are just a symptom. The problem is difficult content with a low barrier to entry causes people to want to bypass all preparation.

In an ideal world, we’d be able to see what people parse for each dungeon. Oh, you’re 2.4K but you did 3% of your groups dps? Bleh.

IO mattered more when the dungeons where harder. We’re so loaded up on borrowed power steroids that anyone can do 20. What you’re seeing at the 2k-2.4K range is just the new 1.5k-2k range from season 1.

I think ya’ll are way off. I think the problem is that the content doesn’t need to have addons or perfect rotations or one shot kills if you mess up.

I think Normal should be the cap. Remove heroic and mythic.

The different difficulties were just another hook to keep people logged in.

“But you can choose to do it or not.”

No, they’ve tied many things to it. Too many things. It’d be fine if it was just some achievement. But too many things that people like to collect are tied to it.

Wrong, it keeps the game afloat.

The question is why invest your time into a game when it’s a noticeable playstyle to pay for rewards.

And by rewards I mean title/mounts/collection stuff. People who wanna buy 6 mythic fated BoEs right now and then wait in lfr queues or afk in oribos. Go ahead and spend to your hearts content. Gear doesn’t matter past each tier/season, and is just a tool to more easily accomplish goals. Nothing records what your ilvl is per day. Only the date of achievements and collections you have going forward.

It’s always the people that barely have KSM that have these CRAZY requirements for their 15’s. I mean the guy has 7 timed +15’s so i guess he is also boosted :thinking:?

The only people that invited my undergeared/io druid alt to their 15+ keys are the ones that are 2.5k+ io that know even if my druid was an absolute dead weight they could still time the key easily.

Don’t worry, nobody joins these trash premade groups and they just sit there for days with crickets chirping. Delusionally subsisting on the belief that anybody is going to fall for this trap. I always see those groups empty.

Nah the ones most apt to be boosted are ones wanting rewards but not liking the activity. Just pay a group of cryptic heroes for the keys you need and/or 20s for your main to get around later on and then never touch m+ again. Same for the mythic mount. Why ever touch the raid again when you have the mount/title (maybe even CE)?

Rinse and repeat when you think rates are preferential again next season/tier.

These people bricking keys for others are just an example of people falling upwards enough to where it’s a detriment to others.

Yes, the guys struggling to get to KSM/AotC but still want the rewards.

The guys that like the content just do it and get the achievements.

By that logic why even play the game at this point :person_shrugging:, you know how much gold it costs to get boosted to KSH/CE right?

Your average player paying for boosts can never afford that.

There is really little they can actually do about it. Even if the removed tokens and instant banned anyone who ever mentioned it in chat, it would just go back into Discord and third party web sites and be sold for RL. The problem is, with the players not the game.

Who said anything about playing the game as you define it? Those peoples way of playing the game is minimizing annoyances while ensuring they don’t miss out on fomo.

So like what, no more 1-2m per 20 and then 2-4m (assuming just only last boss+mount) for late few months of CE? Yeah that’s pretty doable if you got other expenses covered and don’t have to spend it on gf/wife or kids (or if you got way more and can cover those easy).

People are *insecure. I wish the people doing these things realize how low people really think of them lol

It’s just modern day keeping up with the Joneses. You don’t want to look like a scrub vs them do you?

They can do what they want, but to pay people to play a game you pay a sub for is insane.

So what 8 bosses at 1mil each and 3 at 2mil each (the lower end of your prediction)

I was selling 20’s at 500k-600k/run so 16 dungeons at 600k each so 9-9.5mil

So cheeky 25 million per season, yep super affordable for your average player.

Say $20/token at 200k value.

Yeh the average person ain’t spending over $2000 a season…

They could just make the raids one difficulty and not as try hard.

And if the content truly doesn’t matter so much, ya’ll can live wihtout it.

And thank god you are never going to in position of making design decisions for the game. Your solution to a purely player driven situation is to nerf/remove content…

Well Ion you can sleep well tonight :slight_smile:

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That’s right.

No more worrying about tiers, lessen the iLevel bloat. Progression is a linear path. People can get on and enjoy doing the content instead of paying for content they don’t enjoy.

The only ones that lose are the people that in general have been toxic to the community for decades. People like your Asmongolds or your ninja looters or your roll stackers or your master looters or your loot reservers.

Dude, people are buying loot on classic for gold and they have ONE RAID TIER. Your solution is a joke because people have been buying loot since vanilla.

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But ya’ll said it yourself. The content doesn’t even really matter so … just cut it out. If it doesn’t matter we don’t need it. And maybe people were buying your staff of jordans for real cash, but on this level? No, don’t think so.

I always find it comical how people call him toxic. False positivity does more unseen damage than anyone being vaguely critical.