The ability to buy runs

Why is this a thing? Why are there more posts for paid carries? Why doesn’t blizzard do anything about this? This ruins the game…


Because people want stuff but don’t actually want to learn how to do it. Or lack the ability.

Because it’s allowed and always has been, provided it’s for in-game payment?

It honestly doesn’t feel like it negatively impacts most. So, sellers get a source of income to cover their expenses while playing the game, and buyers get shiny rewards that wouldn’t normally be accessible.

Maybe the only people that really suffer are the ones who can’t spot boosties and end up playing with them.


like hiring the clowns who lie on their resume who cant actually do the job. lol


It’s a motivation thing for me.

What’s the point in putting months into raid prog if the ability to buy a WoW Token to get a carry through the whole thing in a single night is openly endorsed by Blizzard?

That’s not me saying I can’t help but by a carry. That’s me saying my effort feels somewhat invalidated when others can just buy their way around putting in that same effort.

It was fine when carries were just “that one guild” at the tail end of an xpack. But it’s been out of hand for like 7 years now, and it’s only gotten worse over the course of that time. WoW tokens made the concept too accessible for buyers and viable for sellers.


You’d think boosting services would be against the rules, but I think at this point, the devs realized that they can’t really combat it. The most they can really do is moderate the LFG tool and ban players advertising in it, but even that’s grown very lax of late.

For some, absolutely, but ultimately if people want to spoil the challenge for themselves, that’s on them. There’s still plenty of other people you can chase down challenges with!


Eh, if the emphasis is entirely on just getting the rewards rather than the journey to get them then I feel like you’ll burn out on the game. In the case of people who don’t do the content and just want the shiny before it gets removed (ksm ele, aotc mount, etc) I can kind of understand but usually buying a carry just means you’ll have to get more later.

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Mate, the entire game is built on the reward structure. Every patch comes with a new tier of rewards. Also worth noting that my favorite time raiding was pre-M+, which meant the gearing process happened to last for most if not all of the progression process since. So one didn’t have to feel like they were choosing “fun” or “rewards”. It was inherently both.

Also, I wouldn’t call “prog” a “reward”. I responded because I know that I -AM- very reward/gear-motivated, but I wasn’t even talking about that initially.

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I’m just glad we don’t have to constantly see hookon spam chat all day. I don’t see that much anymore

Gear is constantly being replaced. If you only care about the loot then the game will be frustrating for you.

Loot is just a tool to get the things you want. And to perform better in the future. Most good stuff is given after you beat the final boss. After you beat everything.

Because Carrie’s aren’t against the tos/rules


This is actually inaccurate.

The people buying boosts were buying them anyway via buying gold from third party sellers.

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Because there are enough people stupid or greedy enough to buy them.

I know a family of players that all buy carries, for cash, from those cringe cash-for-boost sites. They then try to flex on their friends who don’t raid with the mounts and crap, lol.

People are weird.

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The “industrialization” of it with communities did really put it over the edge.

Mhm. Blizz just “legitimized” it with the token in wod. What’s funny to me is that everybody only just somewhat recently came to this conclusion, though.

Or maybe I just don’t remember the laments of the token in wod-legion.

Yeah. What an existence, lol

Sellers simply did not exist on most non-mega realms before the token provided a means of easily transferring payment to different servers.

And you’re delusional if you think a “legal” means of buying gold in that environment didn’t get more people into buying carries.

Unless the server was devoid of even a mid tier mythic guild I don’t think so.

It’s all about people buying WoW tokens.

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Mythic didn’t exist before the token…

As for Heroic before then, that was just kind of… most realms. And those that had 1-2, didn’t usually sell carries.

Heroic, whatever. You know what I mean. Mop was a decade ago.

Perhaps you weren’t as observant then.

Because players can pay gold for anything they want, as long as no real life currencies are exchanged. You can pay a guy to level you, to carry you through a dungeon or raid, or just to follow you around and be your bodyguard, if the price is right. Capitalism at its finest.

Well, first off, they kinda did. They regulated the boost spam in trade to be in its own channel, now “services”. If you don’t want to see any spam, just leave the channel.

Secondly, some Blizzard employees who play the game, actually charge people for carries. I remember this being a huge point of contention in the community, where they thought that this problem was surely never going away.

Doesn’t affect me at all. I’m skilled enough that I could raid heroic if I wanted, but I choose not to, because competitive content doesn’t interest me anymore. It might ruin the game for those who seek to have a challenge, but it doesn’t just ruin the game as a whole.

It definitely plants the idea in many peoples heads that, “Oh, I can’t get this done, I’ll just pay for it.” I do agree that’s bad. Pay for a carry if you just have no interest in trying, but if you’re struggling, just get better and learn.

Why? It’s part of the monetization plan. The game is designed with a steep learning curve to encourage players to opt out by buying an item in the cash shop. It’s a free to play mechanic.

And while Blizzard doesn’t make money on all those RMT carries like they do on token sales, every carry ad normalizes the idea that paid carries are an acceptable part of the game for gearing, collecting, and achievements.