The ability to buy runs

I could see them hurting the low-mid tier players willingness to play with each other.

It isn’t any more damaging than people strolling in 10 years later to get titles, mounts, and transmog by 1-shotting everything.

Would you also like all those rewards to be removed forever once the tier is over?

I think the community in general does that

I think that it’s something that they should’ve done, but is probably too late to do now.

Other people matter in an MMO. You can’t solo raids or mythics.

And I don’t have hours to put together a raid either.

So yes, other people being able to easily buy raids is a problem.

It’s a problem when the best way to get gear in Warcraft is to go to your job and work.

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The people who buy boosts are more than likely never going to run those raids you want to run, the people who are really interested in running that stuff will continue to run that stuff for their gear

Then they’re in the really embarrassing spot of having good gear without knowing how to use it.

You’re not going to believe this but… people don’t care what you think. They just want the item at the end of the game.

You and I may not get it. But it’s true. And those people, well, I believe they outnumber us.

They just get declined/removed from relevant content when everybody sees that they’re a boostie. If they want to pay tons of money for better gear to do LFR in then I guess that’s their decision, though.

It’s possible to be good at the game… and a “boostie.”

Yes, but most (the vast majority) of them aren’t, which is why they’re paying people to play with them. Something I’ve noticed is that they’ll always have a story, like “I don’t need a carry, just a good group” or something to make themselves feel a little less bad about it.

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No, you assume they aren’t.

They are. I don’t know anyone that buys the stuff that isn’t good. They just don’t have the time or they quit mid raid or a raid fell apart and they put it on cruise control.

Just because they buy a run it doesn’t mean they are bad at the game.

And you can be complete poop and go watch a video and put together a 1 or 2 key macro and still outperform the average.

No, I know they aren’t. I’ve sold tons of carries and it’s seldom to capable individuals.


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Good question. Personally I try to earn gear by doing them. Not everything about the game has to be transactional.

But if people want to do that, be my guest I suppose. I just hope it doesn’t become the norm because if it is…

… Well it’s not really a Video Game about the Game Content and only the game content now isn’t it?

As someone who primarily only has time for solo gameplay, I don’t see harm in people trading their in game time for in game gold. This allows me to catch up when I can and not have to log in 4 times a week to run with a guild who offers a bit of a punishing schedule. There is only one reason anyone would ever be bothered by this:

They don’t ever have the gold to use the service. Also, we’re talking about a video game with no real world consequence. It’s not like being the first person with all 304 gear is going to land you a Nike contract so you can just play WoW forever :slight_smile: Might be time to take a breath, log out, and get some fresh air that is overloaded by sunshine.

hahaha its funny when someone acts elitist and someone else shows them why theyre not

Going to work should not be a path to gear in a video game.

what about working in a video game because thats all it is right now

The mobile games are on your phone. You guys have phones right?

Ultimately it is still just a game. Always surprises me how upset other players get over nothing simply because they have neither the time, nor the gold to take advantage of such opportunities. We are literally talking about a fake world Rated T for Teen :smiley: