The ability to buy runs

Just report them its what i do. every time i see someone list a sale for KSM or raid run i just file an abuse report on them. Problem solved

I said “progressing from lower keys”… It could mean any low keys. Season 4 started giving me +13 keystone. I didnt use my key becoz I was not confident with the new set of dungeons. I forgot most of them… even Tazavesh… the least Dungeon I did to get to KSM last Season 3.

I started at +11/+12… was brutal on me. Didnt time most of them. Experimented on Lower Kara… where I cant even pass Maiden. So I tried +10 Lower, still a disaster. Maybe +9, still got pwned. I just need a score from Lower… not zero. I got a score at Lower+6. Horrendous. ROFL.

Eventually, it got easier. I just need more runs. Hope I would have more play time. Just got Lower+15 2 chested it few days ago. Would seal KSM soon. But I bled. Multiple runs on all dungeons… Not 1x +15 on each dungeons. ROFL.

Because unless they make gold trading impossible, players will always sell services for gold.

I can farm your old raids for you for 50k if you want. Like stand at the door and just roll need on loot while I do all the work.

Why does anyone care? If someone has to spend hundreds of dollars to get something you got effortlessly while enjoying a game then that’s just a compliment to how much better you are than people who buy boosts.


Yes they did. There were sellers even on my old realms. The cost was just higher to cover the transfer costs.

The token made it easier but it was still happening.

For me. This game is about the journey, not the destination. If people want to buy Carrie’s for loots I really don’t care either way. It doesn’t affect me at all. We pay to play this game our way.

Because people are that desperate enough… If they learned to stop and actually try, those WTS advertisements would die out quick.

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really who cares

if people liked the content they would run it without getting boosted

blame blizz for recoloring treadmills and calling it content

I don’t even get how someone does that without being horribly wasteful. 50x runs per dungeon is something I’d imagine people doing 25-28s do, not people doing weekly 15s for KSM, lol.

Meh. Key seasons in general are pretty different and have a neat feel to them most of the time. Encrypted allowing unique pulls and picking bonuses for certain dungeon segments, Reaping for just clowning around in AoE, etc.

Unless you’re referring to Season 4, in which case, well… It was this or sitting on the same content, and I’d rather this, truth be told.

I really enjoyed season 3s affix.

Season 4s seems really uninspired.

It seems like something that would’ve felt really nice in s1 of Dragonflight. You know, getting 20-30% of a secondary stat to tide us over that initial lull of everything feeling all sluggish.

hate to break it to yall but if someone buying a run doesn’t effect me (unless im selling it) it doesn’t effect u

The Dragonflight season 1 M+ affix will probably be awful.

At least judging from history (Infested and Prideful were both the worst affixes of their expansions).

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Oh, infested. I had almost forgotten how unfun early BFA was.

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Yeah maybe a KSM player that needs to struggle for io,

For players that are above that they start on 15’s 1x15 for each key/affix and they’re done. The players even better than that don’t even start on 15s, we have 2k io players in week 1 doing all 22’s. I doubt any of those guys started on 15’s.

My druid is 1970 io with 15x15’s done.

Must have been boosted then :thinking:

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Agreed. Definitely a good season 1 affix imo. Season 3/ was just awesome and left options for so many different variations/routes.

Pay 2 Win is a death knell for subscription MMOs.

There’s an expression in fitness and body building. You can lie to everyone around you, you can lie to the mirror, but the iron never lies.

While I do agree that more should be done to preserve the accomplishment of achievements, it’s also true that the value of any said accomplishment sits exclusively between the user and their game.

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Boosts really arent hurting anything, what really ruins the game is people worrying so much about what others are doing. If they arent breaking rules then who cares? Have your fun and let them have theirs.