The ability to buy runs

no, I don’t think people not doing content they don’t want to do is a problem

Yeah, I’ve always thought they needed to do more about the ads in LFG in general RMT or not. Ads don’t belong there period.

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The only people it hurts are ones that are poor AND bad

That is not an ideal combination.

In PvE, it only ruins the game for those who get upset in a gear e-peen contest.

…otherwise, it has absolutely no effect at all.

The point is to not pay hundreds of thousands of gold, or spend RL money, and you get to enjoy raiding with your friends.

That’s not me saying I can’t help but by a carry. That’s me saying my effort feels somewhat invalidated when others can just buy their way around putting in that same effort.

Stop determining the worth of what you do based on what other people have and/or do? Does someone paying for a carry negate the enjoyment you got when progressing and clearing a raid with your friends? Why are you even thinking about what someone else does? What someone else does is irrelevant and doesn’t diminish your accomplishment.

In a real life example, if you were a teenager busting your butt to save up for a nice car, and you finally get it, would you feel less proud of achieving your goal if the guy next door’s parents just bought him a new car? I know I wouldn’t feel any less proud of my accomplishment.

What other people do doesn’t matter. You know what you do, and you know the value of your own efforts. You’re the guy the people who buy carries needs to exist, otherwise they can’t get squat on their own. That’s the value of your effort. Without people like you (the people who play and accomplish things through their own efforts), the people who buy carries get nothing, which makes what you do incredibly valuable IMO.


It was common when I started in BC and has remained so for a long time. I’d say the ads are more common but not as overt as the people selling gold dropping corpses from the sky to spell out their website back in the day

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it’s weird seeing someone try to tell others how amazing they are by running more than 50 dungeons to get ksm


Wait, what


So it is Blizzard’s fault if people who can’t afford carries yet are required to get them as a part of progression, and buying carries is an important part of the learning process that these poor players miss out on.

Seems to be what you are suggesting.

elitist gonna be elitist

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Did this also “ruin the game”?

I’m going to tell you a tip. Don’t buy M+ carries, make a good friend and carry each others’ alts. One of you will make the group, be honest that you’re helping a friend, and good players will still want to join it because they’re farming for vault rewards/gear, and sometimes score. Don’t pay the ridiculous prices, just make one friend and every time you carry one of their alts, they carry one of yours. It’s an excellent system and everybody wins.

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Real KSM players are shedding blood progressing from lower keys all the way to +15. They would make multiple attempts, multiple runs improving their game on every attempt. Not 1x run per each dungeon. ROFL.

Pretty sure most KSM players are starting with 10+ keys at the start of the season. At least, that’s what everyone I know has always done.

is this satire

Is…that what you think?

Why would they spend their time doing this? A KSM player shouldn’t struggle in an 8, for example. Additionally, they don’t even need every 15, I got ksm missing four dungeons on the second week because you can make up for it with higher keys.

I honestly respect the way you play, most people just want carries to the top. But at the same time, lots of people are just good, and they want to get to the top quickly so they can play at a level that challenges them.


Just stating how to catch clowns that has high M score.

Muted, crap post,